A Bielefelder Thread !

My very first biel egg from my Gertrude! It's medium to large, much larger than I'm used to for pullet eggs. I'm a bit surprised at the amount of freckling.

Update on my roos attitude: He's been a bit more subdued lately. I've had to handle him morning and night for about a week now to administer medicines (I had some sort of illness run through my whole flock. I lost my poor Hilda
. Still waiting on the full results from the necropsy). I think he might be starting to realize that if I've handled him that much and haven't eaten him yet, maybe I won't, lol. I really think his aggression is fear-based. Even when he was a baby, he'd scream and flail when I picked him up.
Maybe I need to try hand-feeding him delicious treats... Not sure he'd want to get that close to me though.
I have serious reservations about breeding with this roo. If he's that far off the breed standard in temperament, I don't want him to contribute that to the breed.

He may have to be made into a rather expensive gumbo...

Beautiful egg - but I was surprised at the speckling too - I thought only Marans and Welsummer eggs got speckles but then, I suppose any painted egg can get speckling or spots.

Post your necropsy results - hope they are conclusive results. Many necropsies give you guesses and maybes and sometimes don't commit to a definite result - they tell you what conditions they found but not always what the definite "cause" was.

Sorry about your roo. I hate losing any rare bird whether of natural causes or culling. We lost a sweet Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and a rare Breda to heat-related stress last year. Not only do you see good birds lost but also the money that went w/ them. If your boy is young yet give him some time to mature. Hope your handling will help him to trust.
Big time thanks. The roosters are taking their librerties with the other hens. The Bielfelder hens have nothing to do with them.

My 5mth old Bielefelder Roo is mounting my 5mth old hens who have red earlobes. My past experience with Biels, for our climate here in Michigan, is that my Roos start mating at 5mths, but the girls don't start laying for a good month afterwards. I don't think mine ever waited until 8 mths to start laying eggs unless they were maturing during the start of Winter.

Mine have not been early layers like my Whiting True Blues or Leghorns who started laying at 4-5 mths, but on average started laying at 6-7mths.
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Hi all! I had one mystery chick last year who I just could NOT tell what breed she was. The store said she should be Americana(Easter Egger) but all signs pointed to something else (yellow feet; single comb; no muff or beard; and uktimately pinkish brown eggs) I read through the breed description for Bielefelder and there are quite a few similarities. I've only had chickens for a year so I'm no expert but does my chick look like a Bielefelder or a Bielefelder hybrid? She doesn't have much of any rust color but considering she doesn't lay dark eggs I didn't think she was a welsummer....but let me know what you guys think! Thanks!


Hi all! I had one mystery chick last year who I just could NOT tell what breed she was. The store said she should be Americana(Easter Egger) but all signs pointed to something else (yellow feet; single comb; no muff or beard; and uktimately pinkish brown eggs) I read through the breed description for Bielefelder and there are quite a few similarities. I've only had chickens for a year so I'm no expert but does my chick look like a Bielefelder or a Bielefelder hybrid? She doesn't have much of any rust color but considering she doesn't lay dark eggs I didn't think she was a welsummer....but let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

I think a Biel-hybrid is a definite possibility. Perhaps she was crossed with a Gold Sex Link or something similar. Just a thought.
Hi all! I had one mystery chick last year who I just could NOT tell what breed she was. The store said she should be Americana(Easter Egger) but all signs pointed to something else (yellow feet; single comb; no muff or beard; and uktimately pinkish brown eggs) I read through the breed description for Bielefelder and there are quite a few similarities. I've only had chickens for a year so I'm no expert but does my chick look like a Bielefelder or a Bielefelder hybrid? She doesn't have much of any rust color but considering she doesn't lay dark eggs I didn't think she was a welsummer....but let me know what you guys think! Thanks!

If the store said she was an Easter Egger, then perhaps she was mixed with a (Crested) Cream Legbar. They have similar markings (like Bieles, Welsummers, & Dorkings) & lay blue eggs like an Ameraucana, Perhaps yours didn't inherit the crest & blue egg gene, but I think a CCL mix could also be called an Easter Egger. Of course stores often mislabel & mix up chicks too, so yours could be anything. LOL
If the store said she was an Easter Egger, then perhaps she was mixed with a (Crested) Cream Legbar. They have similar markings (like Bieles, Welsummers, & Dorkings) & lay blue eggs like an Ameraucana, Perhaps yours didn't inherit the crest & blue egg gene, but I think a CCL mix could also be called an Easter Egger. Of course stores often mislabel & mix up chicks too, so yours could be anything. LOL
She's beautiful! Love her, enjoy her and her eggs! Not necessary to breed and hatch everything!!!!!!

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