A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I really want to get some sweetgrass. They're so pretty. I love the simple genetics as well. Great start for my pencilled blue fallfire project.
Be careful where you get them. Many of the ones advertised on eBay are not what they are claiming what they are. The color genetics in Sweetgrass and Royal Palms differ only in that Royal Palms have the Narragansett gene which the Sweetgrass does not have.
Yeah I can understand that. Many people don't truly know the genetics of the birds they have. I refuse to buy anything on eBay for that simple fact and that shipping is horrible for eggs or poults. That's why I want to talk with Sweetgrass Farms and get the original stock, that would be PERFECT. I'm working on SG and Tiger bronze so I can develop colored pencilled lines that don't have the narri gene.
Paul put me in a new gate today. While the turks appreciated the leaf pile to scrounge through... that new gate must die! It is new and we are gonna hollar at, peck it, flog it and do it all again.... 09E318D3-9D9D-4CB8-AB34-0BDA369BFD10.jpeg 700D23E7-A368-47A9-BE16-73C5FB2D990B.jpeg DE5C7E1D-9F54-4971-B859-30CEAFFA5450.jpeg til it dies.
Just like a turkey isn't it sfgwife! LOL!

TurkeyTimes....beautiful turkeys your talking about!!

Aurora...how are your penciled doing??

I know it! Yesterday the sister was struttin her stuff. Everyone was havin a fit. Long and loud at somethin amiss up in the trees. Omg they were horrible. Then today the new gate. They stood at it for bout thirty minutes jus a fussin.... ALL fifteen of them. I think they woulda kicked it had they had feet. But peckin and floggin was the acceptable method for keelin it. Then i went up to feed and had six escape convicts.... tryin get in the old gate. Cause they KNOW where maman comes in to gove them the food dishes. Lol!
Took the girls for their evening stroll. Gang of kids descended upon them. Daisy was having a great time. Annie....not so much. But she finally settled down & the kids got to pet her. Made Daisy so jealous she climbed into one of the kids laps. He decided he was going to move in to take of Daisy for me. His mom didn't go for it. Too cute....

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