A few pics of my ostrich chicks


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011

I've been lurking around this site for quite sometime now and figured it was about time to share a few pics of my own project. I hatched a couple of ostrich last Sept in a practice attempt before filling the incubator with emu eggs later this month. I didn't keep these guys but they sure were fun to watch.
They are so cute, and I have to say, I've never looked at an ostriche's feet before. I didn't know they had only two toes like that!

Did you hatch them yourself? What do they eat?

Yes, I hatched them myself. I fed them Mazuri ratite starter along with very limited amounts of fresh chopped alfalfa leaves. I plan on hatching some more this summer......not sure if I am going to keep or sell them though. I guess it all depends on my success rate....they can be a challenge to get started.
that is one cute baby... lol.. I'll stick with emus for now

my husband would shoot me if I told him I was gonna hatch out an ostrich
Where did you get the eggs & were they shipped? They are so cute! A place in NM sells ostrich (emu & rhea too)
hatching eggs but I figured they'd be really expensive...
They are very cute as chicks, but please do not mistake them for the same as emu. They are much more dangerous, especially the males. They weight about 500 lbs, need stronger fences and males get very aggressive during breeding season. A friend of mine had to put her male down as he got so aggressive. Please do your homework on these before buying, they are not an impulse buy animal...... And placing an ostrich as an adult can be tricky.

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