A long, disapointing weekend. but looking foward to Spring!

My dad says that it might be fine(MIGHT be)
if he turns the heaters up in the van...he says I can place it by the heater, so that should keep it up into the 80*F. range, maybe barely 90*F....? any thoughts on this?
If you intervene and it needs help then you are really out of luck because you have to leave...

I guess you may have to leave and have someone watch it for you.... I don't know

It's a red star/RIR mix, a.k.a. A "mutt"

The father is a RIR and mother is a red star. father is a REALLY tough rooster! Takes care of hens well and protects them. Survived the harsh winter in a dog house with another rooster with barely any water(since it kept freezing up and we couldn't do much about it except change it a lot) The hen seems tough too. She was picked on all the time before we bought her. Had barely any feathers!
But now she's healthy and has feathers!

I am wondering if the parent's (esp. the rooster) tough "genes" will rub off on the chick. Maybe that's why he's still alive after all the temp. changes and problems....
Yeah, I guess I agree...

I had thought about wrapping it in a towel to keep it warm--cooler a good idea, in the shirt & body heat good idea---but the more you handle it, the more it gets shaken and confused inside the egg...not to mention the chance of dropping it.

You're probably better off leaving it at home. Your temp. and moisture have been pretty consistent lately. As long as the bator is topped off with water and there is sufficient air holes (I know you made vents). He's probably better staying where he is.

Since he hasn't pipped yet he won't be out for a while and you will be back Sunday night so if he hatches he will be O.K. in the bator til then.

Go to Dad's and have a good time with his chickens this weekend and don't worry. What will be will be. :aww
I'm just completely frustrated and I have NO idea what to do! It's raining outside now(geez what a great way to make me feel better!
) and pretty chilly outside. This is SOOO frustrating!!! I want to leave the egg here under the bator, but then the same bad thing flashes through my mind, when my brother left his hermit crabs in our "almost-clue-less-when it-comes-to-animals" mother.
and when we came back home, one had died from starvation, water was nasty, and it was horrible. She did get him two new crabs, but how can she replace my egg if it dies from her not watching temp. carefully?!
This is my first egg to try and hatch, and the last one until next Spring!

Absolutely lost.....

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