There is something called Pad Kote for dog's feet. It has genetian violet (dunno if that's the spelling) but basically it's an alcohol based bluish/purple solution that cures EVERYTHING and stains EVERYTHING including skin, washclothes, and hardwood flooring. Therefore you should apply outside and not let the dog back in until it dries completely.

I swear my dog's tail is still bluish looking and I used it over a month ago!

Considering the name similarity and coloring/staining features, I'd bet that Pad Kote and Blue Kote are really the same thing.
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I just saw this. Not the warning I was expecting at all.
wahahhaha!!!! i'm sorry but that is hilarious!!! i've had it up my arms but never on my face! u poor thing! have u tried lemon juice?
It's a 7 month old thread, I sure hope it's come off by now! Blueberry freckles, indeed!
Tee hee! Been there. I usually get it all over my hands and have purple fingernails for days...and its always before a wedding or something Important of course!

I like to use it (waste it) by making my horses My Little Ponies with it and drawing hearts or ice cream cones or writing WIDE LOAD on their butts! lol

Just wanted to add that Blue Kote saved my Red Bro hen once when she was half eaten by something. Its been 2 months and her feathers are STILL purple. I drowned her side in that stuff daily!
Bwhahaha wow! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that

So what's your game plan on how to get it off?
The hen I saved back in April STILL has purple feathers 5 months later. Some guests were looking at the chickens at a party and one woman said, "I have never seen a chicken with that beautiful coloring before. What is she?"
Response, "A gold-laced Wyandotte covered in Blue-kote spray."

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