about how old is she?*horse*

wow- cool- maybe I need to go check my non registered horses again- I guess I was taught wrong. I always went bu the groove and the triangular shape of the teeth, but that 26 year ols sure could pass as young!!
JustAChickenLittle&More :

What breed of horse is this and do you have a photo of the whole horses as well?


She is definetly and "aged" horse. Her back has already dropped. And from the photo of her teeth she is in the range of 20 yrs from what I know about that subjest. The back IS the give away that she is aged.
She is a very beautiful horse. And arabians usually live well into their 30's. My best friend is a big Arabian Breeder. She gave me an arabian (which I didn't really care for arabians at that time), but this horse was awsome. She had a heart attack at age 32.
Btw, her back is not bad at all for her age. She just has high withers which is good to keep the saddle on. If this is a first horse, she should be perfect as long as the training has been one right.
JustAChickenLittle&More :

Btw, her back is not bad at all for her age. She just has high withers which is good to keep the saddle on. If this is a first horse, she should be perfect as long as the training has been one right.

more like third horse lol. if you met her you would think she was 13.​
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Her back doesn't look bad at all, and the back is definately not a dead give away, we have a 9 year old gelding whose back is probably more swayed then hers (or atleast as much as).
She is pretty!! She look like one named Sugar that we had. She lived till she was 44 years old. she got into bad shape as most older arabs do, but she was still a great horse. Arabs live a long time-
Definately an aged mare but neverthanless, she seems to be sweet! Love her color! once she gets her summer coat in, take another photo of her and probably with your TLC, she will blossom a bit more.

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