Advice on Free Range Peafowl

If your mirrors are unbreakable or at least shatterproof they should be fine unless he would decide to just batter himself bloody against one. All Peas are different I have 14 mature males here and only one of them has major testosterone aggression, the others are generally very well behaved all year round. The male who does have it didn't start to act out until he was 7 or 8 years old and he has bloodied his legs and head by bashing them against my patio door, he didn't break the glass but he hits it pretty hard. He almost scalped the hen he was with the first year it happened because I didn't realize quick enough what was going on. I don't really think penning has anything to do with it, this male free ranged more than anyone else because he is very friendly and social. I think it is just an individual hormone imbalance and hopefully you will never have to deal with it. We've had Peafowl for almost 20 years now and we currently have 32 of them, in all that time this one male is the only problem aggressor we've had so it isn't prevalent, but quite a few other members are dealing with it as well, so it isn't super rare. I just don't want to see anyone else's Peacock cut itself up on a glass mirror.
Hey Thanks for the heads up. I will stay vigilant. I love hearing all the different experiences and situations. Its like raising kids, Just when you think you have it figured out, the next kid is totaly different.

Here's a thought- in reading up on the pros and cons of SOY in our own diets- having discovered I am sensitive to soy, My Dr. and several articles all describe Soy's negative in pact on hormones, both male and female(that could explain my teenage daughter!). So....... what about the effect of soy on our birds? I'm assuming there is Soy in the crumbles/pellets like every thing else.
Any thoughts?
@msmolly this is his roost! Look good?? About 7' off the ground.
Is that inside his pen? I'm thinking if you want to free range him- He'll want a nice high perch Outside the pen that he can hang out on close to home. My birds rarely roost inside in the summer, choosing the trees or roof at night and pergola during the day.
Yes, they can spend hours in front of the glass door or window at my house. It's funny to watch the baby pea boys try to display the little trains that they have, they're just practicing for the following year when they'll be 2 year old. One hen left her nest after a big storm hit and has never gone back to it; wish she'd start another nest, her, an another mature pea hen. They act like they're in no hurry to reproduce. Last year both hens laid eggs, neither nest hatched out. The pea cock does his best all day long, but the hens seem disinterested, maybe they mate when I'm not around watching. Would like to see some babies this year if possible.

My friend who sold these to me has his penned up and has babies every year, mine are free range 100% of the time, never caged, not even at night. I know they can live very long lives, so maybe they not in a hurry for a family. They are 3 yrs old, I've heard they can live to age 50; maybe I'll still be alive to see the

next generation of peas.
Have faith- my hens laid eggs and nests for years with nutthin! Then one year- in a huge heat wave and amidst major patio construction, we're talking cement mixers, stone saws, bull dozers etc... both hens nested and Hatched 6 eggs each- in the middle of all that noise and mess. The workers would actually brush the stone dust off one of the hens, she would be covered in white!
I read that they sometimes choose noisy places like that to ward off predators. Whooda thunk?! Anyway- I'm not the pro here but I don't think you can expect succesfull nesting before 3 years old anyway- the male especialy needs to be fully mature. But again- there are others here who know that answer better than me. Good luck!
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Thanks for your words of encouragement; that is what I needed to hear, I just won't worry about it and let the peas surprise me with a clutch of babies when they're ready. You're right, for some odd reason, instead of being frightened by loud noises, they rather seem to enjoy it; maybe because they have that peculiar and quite unnervingly loud honk which you'd never expect a bird could make. Thanks again...JC
Is that inside his pen?  I'm thinking if you want to free range him- He'll want a nice high perch Outside the pen that he can hang out on close to home.  My birds rarely roost inside in the summer, choosing the trees or roof at night and pergola during the day.
The perch is inside his pen. Outside of his pen, he has about twenty different 30' pine trees to choose from.
@MinxFox thanks for that website! However, all the breeders are so far away in this state, that I would have to have one shipped regardless
. Prices can be so expensive! I may just wait for that local Trader Days expo again! People are more friendly to negotiate prices bc of the fact there are bountiful supplies of peafowl for sale!
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@MinxFox thanks for that website! However, all the breeders are so far away in this state, that I would have to have one shipped regardless
. Prices can be so expensive! I may just wait for that local Trader Days expo again! People are more friendly to negotiate prices bc of the fact there are bountiful supplies of peafowl for sale!
LittleRed- Where are you, what state- ? In past, I have had luck meeting Ed Mcmillan (OH Breeder) at the airport- when he would be shipping birds, and he would bring me one all crated up- didnt cost much at all. So there are options. Also, some one mentioned Loudan Farms, they are in Ohio near me- anyway- I am constantly getting calls from police in the area about stray Peafowl.
Once the police know you have Peafowl- they call whenever they get a report of a wandering bird- wondering if its yours. So, get your name out there and you could rescue a stray. So, there lots of options.
Little Re Shed

You would be surprised, and may not even know that there are probably pea owners within 100 miles or even closer; I'm not sure if you looked locally on the Web. I found mine, less than 40 miles from where I live in Florida, on the local Craigs list and Thrifty Nickel/American Advertiser web sites. Neither of these two sellers were in it for the money, they just had too many pea's and needed to sell the excess, and the price was less then $50 per peafowl. All the pea's I purchased, four in all, were 2 years of Age.

I made sure the 1st and 2nd pair's wings were clipped because they were free roaming on 10 acres with an 8ft high fence, and had a ladder to climb into the trees. Several Months later, I got three more, but decided not to clip their wing and placed them, for 2 weeks in the Chicken coop by themselves. Afterward they were released and have, for several months, remained on the property faithfully.

Those last 3 were given to me by the sellers who contacted me offering, free of charge, three 1 year olds, 2 males and one peahen. That makes 6 goobers all together, and they all perch each night in the same big old pecan tree. They are a goofy bunch, but I love them all.

Hope that you find a peahen....JC
I wish I could obtain one free of charge! Or even a trade possibly? I found one through craigslist. But the trade they're looking for are fancy breed chickens and things I do not have etc. So I'll keep checking and looking around.

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