Advice on Free Range Peafowl

I would go for a peahen around his age. You could get an older peahen but normally older peahens pick on young males so if you can I would try and find a peahen a year old or about a year old.
agreed get one his age, my 3year old girls boss my 1 year olds around.
Also Peas can be very friendly but not in a touchy feely way, they like to be around you more if you don't try to touch them, look at it this way they don't go around touching each other and when they do they are to get out of the way of the one touching them.
Some of mine love their head scratched but i raised them from hatch so they are very imprinted on people , they will stand right next to you and you can reach down and just pick them up but they do not like it, don't never stop mine from standing there again though

My free range chicken hen lost her life to a possum last night leaving 10 two week old chicks behind.

Good news though, the dead hens mother who herself hatched out 8 chicks last week took all ten chick in as her own. She is a bantam hen and managed to squeeze all 18 chicks into her nest tonight; she's such a good mother and grand mother.

Grandma lost all 8 chicks that she had last year, the eighth was last night, all to possums; they all free range and roost in the pecan tree with the Pea fowl. Grandma and the chicks are locked in the coop now and won't be released to free range until they are a few months old.

Three weeks ago I found a 5 foot grey rat snake in the coop with the chickens and could visibly see the eggs the snake had swallowed; all the eggs were guinea eggs that I was hoping the chicken hens would sit on, but they never did.

Took 5 of the pea's out for a walk a quarter mile from the house and left them in the woods, 5 hours later they were all back at the house; they're like homing pigeons, they know where the food is. They like to take their time coming home so they can enjoy the wild berries, and flower buds on the way back.

Good luck on your search for a hen little red shed
Our peacocks have always been friendlier than the peahens, except for Princess, she was very friendly. Phoenix loves to follow people around, he will stand in front of anyone outside and block the way til they admire him. He will come when called (they both do) but Phoenix will call back to me and let me know where he is. He is fascinated by anything people are doing, but like Zazouse said, he doesn't go much for being touched. Sapphire will display for me anytime, and he loves to turn so his tail brushes whoever is admiring him. He likes to ride on the car too. Snap and Sweetpea, our two hens, are very anti people, neither will eat out of our hands or have anything to do with us, but Snap is curious so I'm hoping she will get tamer. All four freerange, and come back to the barn at night.
Sometimes I think Osar is more curious about us than we are of him. But the other night my husband was working outside and hear Oscar honking and walking down the road! He quickly went out and herded him back to his "designated area" lol!
We had no luck finding a peahen this wknd. Everyone wants $100 or more for one. $100 seems to be the going rate around here.
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Sometimes I think Osar is more curious about us than we are of him. But the other night my husband was working outside and hear Oscar honking and walking down the road! He quickly went out and herded him back to his "designated area" lol!
We had no luck finding a peahen this wknd. Everyone wants $100 or more for one. $100 seems to be the going rate around here.

Around here you cannot find a hen for $100 during breeding season, I have an ad running for hatching eggs and have received about 15 messages asking me if I have any hens for sale. I could probably hold an auction and get several hundred for a hen. Once breeding season ends I usually see ads for hens, so you may have better luck later in the summer.
Sometimes I think Osar is more curious about us than we are of him. But the other night my husband was working outside and hear Oscar honking and walking down the road! He quickly went out and herded him back to his "designated area" lol!
We had no luck finding a peahen this wknd. Everyone wants $100 or more for one. $100 seems to be the going rate around here.
Oscar saw something and was going to investigate, this is what they do and is why folks loose free rangers it goes on daily here but once what ever it is gets out of site in the fence row or thick brush or flys away they will turn around and go back where they belong.

Yesterday my DH was mowing our driveway border "where the peas are not allowed", well this was a new pretty red lawnmower that was running away with their daddy and they were after it,
i had no idea they were chasing him till i went to cross the drive and they were a 1/8th of a mile down the drive , sent my dog after them to stop them as they were not turning around even thought the lawnmower that had their dad had already made it back to the gate, thank god for the dog cause i would have not caught up to them before they made the curve in the driveway and would have headed to my only neighbor behind us, no big deal except he has a pretty new white truck and they got a thing for pretty white trucks, don't know why that is.

DH got fussed at for not turning them around instead of mowing past them when headed back home "MEN "
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I had a lawn trailer that all the peas, guineas, and chickens used to perch on; what a mess they used to leave behind. Now the trailer and the truck are parked on the other side of the yard, and that seems to have stopped them from perching there. The guineas really scratched up the pick up's paint job; oh well that's what happens when your birds think of themselves as family, right?
I had a lawn trailer that all the peas, guineas, and chickens used to perch on; what a mess they used to leave behind. Now the trailer and the truck are parked on the other side of the yard, and that seems to have stopped them from perching there. The guineas really scratched up the pick up's paint job; oh well that's what happens when your birds think of themselves as family, right?
Well when my son in law used the dump truck for a week my peas were he(( bent on getting across the driveway to get to it, they love that truck and deem it theirs, after he went back to Arabia i had My DH bring it back over here so my headache would go away, they were very very happy to get it back.
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