After refrigeratoring eggs with bllom still intact


Jan 26, 2017
Fort Mill, S.C.
We refrigerated 2 doz. eggs laid this past week. The bloom has not been washed off. I would like to transport at room temperature then store at room temperature.

How long will the eggs last once refrigerated then not?

I used the search here, but came up empty. Hope to hear from you eggsperts :)
Hard to say because it depends on things like what the room temperature is compared to the fridge settings, humidity, etc. The reason you're supposed to keep refrigerated eggs refrigerated is once you take it out of that cold, controlled environment, the egg starts to sweat, just like condensation on a cold glass of water. On a hot day eggs will start sweating in minutes, and that can damage the bloom.

If you want to transport them around the safest thing would be to use a cooler (and refrigerate once you get to the destination) or skip refrigeratation in the first place.
When I collect eggs I leave them out. My wife has a hard time with that after being taught to refrigerate store bought eggs all her life.

Thank you for your quick responses!

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