Aggressive rooster


5 Years
Dec 27, 2018
Hello! We have an aggressive rooster we are planning to process. However I have a 5 year old son and 3 year old twin boys and idk how to approach this with them. They hate This rooster because he has attempted to attack all of them. I don’t want them to grow up and think we kill things that we hate. I feel like I have one shot at not turning them into a serial killer and I don’t wanna choose them wrong thing.
My kids grew up on the farm, knowing that animals sometimes turn into food. They also knew that sometimes mean chickens die. They are all decent, contributing members of society. One is a Special Ed. teacher, one is the head of security for a a bank with 20 branches, and one is a paramedic.

Kids are resilient, but they do pick up on our reactions and feelings. Approach it matter of factly. “This chicken isn’t safe, so he is going to be butchered. We will have him for supper in a couple of days.” Let then help or watch if they wish. When my niece was 3, she played with the chicken guts while her mom and grandma butchered.
Well if you're that worried about the impact that much just don't let them witness or be apart of the process. When you're not comfortable something will turn out well it's okay to not involve the kiddos. You know your children better than anyone here. Yes this could be a teachable moment if done right, just simply explain after you've taken care of it that you put him down because of the danger this animal posed. You can explain to them that their safety is the most important thing in this situation and that it has nothing to do with being mad at the rooster.
A little story about my boys - when they were 10, 6, and 5, we were given a little Holstein bull calf to raise. They named him Butch because, “we’re gonna butcher him anyway, Mom.” I have a harder time on butchering day than they ever did. But I feel like if we’re going to raise livestock, this is part of it. So I remind myself not to get attached, and I try not to name my food. It’s just easier on me that way.

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