All "OTHER" Fowl Swap

Ours are totally free range over 5 acres. I built some "duck houses" that I hope they will use.

Are conversations ok in swap threads? They're seriously frowned upon in the auction thread.

I let it slide when the thread is slow as long as someone remembers to go pull the current offer forward when the chatting is done. I may have to open a chat thread to go with the swap thread if it gets too
Current Offer from @misfitmorgan

6 month Gold Feather Membership

(You may want to add an item or 2 just so they have options.
If you offer any I am seriously interested! I have been eying up snowflake quail..... I have been trying to find something to swap. lol. My call ducks haven't started laying yet.... I do have a questions. So you can use a GF 6 month membership instead but isn't it only worth 12 dollars and we are offering things worth 10-15 dollars without shipping. Shipping can get expensive so if you take something and only offer a GF membership aren't you kind of ripping someone off?
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If you offer any I am seriously interested! I have been spying on your snowflake quail..... I have been trying to find something to swap. lol. My call ducks haven't started laying yet.... I do have a questions. So you can use a GF 6 month membership instead but isn't it only worth 12 dollars and we are offering things worth 10-15 dollars without shipping. Shipping can get expensive so if you take something and only offer a GF membership aren't you kind of ripping someone off?
Its more of an honor code. Just like if you send extras of something, worth more than what you got, it's just what you do.
i have a swap page...i just didnt link it here on my offer sorry. im on mobile so i cant copy and paste if anyone else could i would greatly appreciate it! its misfitmorgan's swap page.

so anything off the page or 6 month gfm.

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