All you Bobwhite experts - need help sexing!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
Dublin, OH

I purchased a dozen "Snowflake" Bobwhite eggs and 6 of them hatched. 5 ended up being Snowflakes and 1 I am told is a Tennessee Red. My question is that I am not sure how to tell the sex visually on Bobwhites. I have only dealt with Coturnix before so this is a new avenue for me. I did my best to take pics but they are nervous birds and don't hold still long enough to take a good picture... Thanks for your assistance!

Here is a link with a photo of a male bobwhite. The description of the female is listed on the site. Even though they are "snowflake", the mask colors should still be the same.
edited to add: you will not be able to determine the sex until they fully mature, which is somewhere around 12 weeks (give or take).
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Thanks for the link. So it looks like from the description and pics that the mask around the eye is thick and dark on the males and thin on the females, is that what I am understanding? If that were the case, then it looks like the 5 Snowflakes are hens and the Tennessee Red is a Roo. They are only just over 4 weeks old right now so I guess I may have to wait a bit longer to know for sure. I like my Jumbo Brown and Golden Coturnix that I can tell at 2-3 weeks.

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