Am I Being Unforgiving?

There's a wide gaping chasm between the mentally ill and the mentally deranged. Your uncle, for whatever reason, has not dealt with whatever his issue is. Until he does, I see no reason for your family to subject yourselves to his derangement. Especially since he presents a very real danger to others.

Enjoy a safe and happy holiday.
I don't think you are being unforgiving...this guy sounds dangerous! It would be one thing if he had acknowledged his past behavior and tried to get better but it sounds like he doesn't realize he's done anything wrong and, with his mother's help, is living in his own little world. There is no reason for you guys to be stuck there too!
Dont go.
Grandma is enabling him, and tolerating his abuse and violence towards her daughter; no reason to feel bad for Grandma; feel bad for the OP and her mom! Grandma made her choice.
"I'm sorry, we already made plans; maybe another time." That says it all, in a very poite manner. It leaves the door open, but with no promises.

If it is really necessary, take a vacation and visit friends or relatives that you DO enjoy, that live far away. Don;t tell Grandma or Uncle where you are going, or how long you will be gone.
He def sounds like he has a serious mental illness and grandma knows it(being a mother),.. and thats why she may seem to "help" him more....
With that being said... i would not go...
Ask grandma if your family can make another date for her to come over to YOUR house and have a little christmas celebration with you guys...
If she wont, well at least you asked her.

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