An unexpected guest...has been caught...

Your peaboy is beautiful!

In my experience, they forget about being manhandled pretty quickly!
If you want him to warm up to you, maybe you can start trying to hand feed him treats? I've found that holding out longish leaves of lettuce is pretty effective starting point if he doesn't want to get too close (thanks to @MinxFox for that long-ago suggestion...).
Good luck!
Over the past week I fed my guest & lured him into the pen & caught him. So I took him in to show the misses.

They are a very powerful bird. He takes a fair bit to hold. I don't think he liked being caught. Since I caught him
he is very weary & keeps his distance. I got to get his confidence in me again. It will take time.
Just wait until he get bigger. They get very heavy when they are older. It's possible to get them tame. I've gotten 3 soon to be 6 peafowl tame. You just have to work with catching them and other stuff to get them tame. Like so.
My yearling White peacock Ice.

My yearling Spalding Split to White peahen Thora.

My Black Shoulder peahen when she was 3 months old Marshmallow.
That is great the way you have those birds so quiet. You must have to spend a great deal of
time with them. Good to see you achieved in getting prize ribbons for them. It's great to get a
reward for passion & interest. When I was a kid I bred fancy pigeons & show them. It was
very rewarding when you got a prize ribbon. You are doing very well.
Over the past week I fed my guest & lured him into the pen & caught him. So I took him in to show the misses.

They are a very powerful bird. He takes a fair bit to hold. I don't think he liked being caught. Since I caught him
he is very weary & keeps his distance. I got to get his confidence in me again. It will take time.
He's handsome!

Over the past week I fed my guest & lured him into the pen & caught him. So I took him in to show the misses.

They are a very powerful bird. He takes a fair bit to hold. I don't think he liked being caught. Since I caught him
he is very weary & keeps his distance. I got to get his confidence in me again. It will take time.

Holy smokes, you caught him! I'm too afraid to try and catch my mystery peacock, but I have been bribing him closer to me with food. The peahens I bought for him, unfortunately, are a different struggle for me. I had to catch them to worm them and now one is getting sicker and I'll have to catch her to take her to a vet. Thankfully, they're only 5 months old and much smaller than the mystery male.

Are you going to keep him around or take him to an animal sanctuary (or similar place)?

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