Ancient Chinese method of sexing chickens?


8 Years
Feb 8, 2011
West Palm Beach
Years ago, I started to study Traditional Chinese Medicine to expand on my Massage Therapy License and begin practicing Acupressure and acupuncture.
I came across a copy of an old manuscript in an old text that showed how they sexed chicks thousands of years ago. A new chick, pick it up by either the scruff of the neck and let it hang for a moment, or grasp their feet and let them hang upside down for a moment. females will curl themselves up into a "C" or a ball, males will just hang straight.
I used this method a few times and it always seemed to come out about 50% of the time (Great odds, I know..
) Typical for any method other than actual vent sexing.
I was wondering if anyone else had heard of this method and what they thought?
I have heard of this method and think it is like many of those "old wives tales" where you can sex a chick. Pretty much the only way to sex a chick is either vent sexing, sex link breeding or waiting for them to get old enough to see the "signs". 50% sound about right for your method

ETA - there is also wing feather sexing but like sex links they have to be bred for it.
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LOL! I thought this was going to be like one of those "Chinese" charts that figure out age.
Can't say as I've ever heard of this or tried it. At this point, I think mine would just start flapping and then pecking at me!

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