Ancona Chicken Thread

I don't have lots of bantams, I think I will try and sell her at the next swap.

and I don't know much about the stander of perfection, but I;ll post my roo's pics to see what you guy think of them, I'm only keeping one.

I have 2 roos that are 20 weeks
I don't know for sure, but I doubt it. She may never lay and if she does the eggs would be bantam sized and a large fowl chick could never develop correctly I don't think. Other people may know better though in this area. Either way, I wouldn't want to breed her as if she isn't just a runt but a midget of some sort then you may breed that bad trait into your large line. Now if you want bantams then that is a different story. I've seen Single comb ancona bantams at several show in the past, but I've never seen a bantam rose comb ancona.

I have just hatched some ancona chicks and they have hatched white and black and redy/brown, the r/brown is over the head/back etc. Can this happen sometimes with anconas and turn out still normal in colouring or could there be something else in their parentage?
We have a pair of Ancona and they are sweet little birds. Ours are single comb Bantams. I'll have to get pics one day

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