Ancona Ducks

No, or at least mine didn't. She stared sitting down a lot and her tail feathers were kind of up and you could see her bottom kind of pulsing. Then she would get up and was walking odd and then back to sitting down (she is usually foraging almost constantly. She only sits to sleep). Then a few minutes later we had are first egg, but no noise.
These r my 12 week old ancona the female is Brown and I was told she was a tri colored and the male is black and white... I got them as eggs online and they are so sweet the female will climb in my lap to be pet
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Aww, they are beautiful. And how cute that they will be so affectionate. Mine won't. They will get close to be and sit calmly if I catch them, but they more like to be close, but not too close! Lol.
The first 6 Anconas I hatched are about 4 months old now! I have 3 drakes and 3 hens. Their tail feathers just started to curl and the I was surprised which ones were drakes! I thought I had 4 chocolates and 2 black but one drake that was black when it hatched now has a black spots on his face, a dark chocolate feathers on his body and a definite blue feather on his side... is he tri-colored?

I am still figuring all these colors out! My two new ducklings are black and Lilac ( I think), the feathers are just starting to come in. My eggs in the incubator could be a variety of colors. Just curious, but is there a chart somewhere of how colors mix... or is it more complicated than that? I have read some of this thread and took note of some color combinations. I'm wondering about Lilac x Chocolate = ?

The stare down...


I love my new ducks 5 new ducklings 2 , Ancana, 1 cayuga, 1 golden 500, 1 blue swedish. Im a novice, building a shelter. They are free range an currently sleep in my bathtub at night.
Do you mean like him bobbing his head and neck up and down? My drake does that and then Ana (are duck) mimics it. Then he makes this noise and she does this low short quack.

no looking at it from the side it looks like he is making a "s" shape with his neck then he curves his head down to the ground then back up and makes the noise but it sounds like a old rusty door hindge
Huh, I don't know. Mine bobs his head up and down but not to the ground. I don't know. Maybe he's just trying to be an individual
These r my 12 week old ancona the female is Brown and I was told she was a tri colored and the male is black and white... I got them as eggs online and they are so sweet the female will climb in my lap to be pet

they are both BEAUTIFUL!!! Awesome how she is a "petted" pet... : )

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