Ancona Ducks


I just want to chime in to say that none of my boys have exhibited any sort of human aggressive behavior, so I don't consider it normal at all. The one who was rough on his girls was still fine with people. (But he went to the pot too, when he started chasing his 'favorite' girls off their nests to jump them... while a crowd of other girls were begging for his attention.)

There's always a drake surplus in the world, and lots of them are sweet tempered guys, who don't chase and bite. You really have the privilege to choose a fantastic drake, and it's a good thing because he'll father the entirety of your next generation. You can squeeze in a wonky hen here and there, but your boy mates everyone and really ought to be stellar.

What's especially obnoxious is that your guy doesn't have any other males around to ramp up his defensiveness. He's got a Hugh Hefner thing going on over there! He should be sitting pretty, not biting the hand that feeds him. Even when my boys were in the midst of testosterone madness, they were wrestling each other, not me!

NOT telling you what to do - just offering a perspective. It's nice when the flock reaches equilibrium, but it takes some doing to get there.
Thanks guys.
He literally bit the hand that fed him this morning.
He's going to have to go.
If he attacks my kids - or WORSE, a friend - I'll have more trouble on my hands than finding a new drake.

Thanks for your logical perspective.
I think many of the folks I spoke with are being sort of idealistic.
I like realism, and will come here first from now on.
That is not normal behavior for a duck, maybe for a goose when it's mate is laying eggs but definately not a duck. I would not want to produce more like him, so I wouldn't breed him and if he's being so nasty he definately doesn't make a pet anymore.

We have a rule on our farm, because of grandkids from ages 1 - 4 years old that nothing mean stays. Even if it's a tiny little bantam rooster that can't do much damage. I can't stand having to watch my back.... or front..... because of a nasty rooster

And quite frankly I've never seen that kind of behavior out of a duck. If you don't mind me asking where did you get your male from? (you can PM me if you want)
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KitchenGirl- I had a drake like that. He would chase after us, my girls, the dog... but when we chased him back he would wussy out and run in terror. We weren't afraid of him but it was pretty annoying. (Mallard).

One day a coyote ate him. I wasn't that sad really. It was kind of a blessing actually.

Maybe you could sell him to someone?

I agree with ChickenCrazy though... if it's mean, it goes.
I guess I would say this drake Has slate grey, brown and black scattered feathers with patches of deep brown and some penciling and a very green head.
He looks so funny Im not sure I like all the colors on one bird :)
All our ducks came from boondockers as day olds last oct. We got a surprise Saxony mixed in. Since there just pets I don't really mind.

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