Angel wing in ducks, & how we wrap to mend it - Pictorial

Morning, ktduck!

To my eyes, it looks like it could be the odd phase of wings feathering in. How long ago did you notice this? And with some ducks, I have read of their wings drooping a bit as the heavier feathers come in. I would not wrap for angel wing at this point.

As you have seen, they grow so fast! So see how he is day after tomorrow. Not to put you off, but this development stage is - hard to describe - there is just so much variability and so many odd-looking days for a "teenage" duck.

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Thanks Amiga! That's exactly what my little ducks look like, friends have been coming over and saying things like "oh they look a bit strange at the moment", but I just see them as so gorgeous I don't really even notice! I will wait another week I think and see how he looks, thank you so much
I look forward to the update next week.

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It's a worrisome time because they are growing so fast, first time I saw my young drake drooping his wings down I thought oh no he's getting angel wing but then I was told their wings get so heavy when they are getting in their blood feathers they have to build muscle to hold them up properly so that helped me alot. You defiantly want to keep an eye on your boy so if it does start to stick out like a hitch hikers thumb you can get it wrapped fast.
Hmmm so it's only been 4 days since I said id wait a week..
But it's now starting to stick out quite a bit.
Even my partner is concerned and he never worries!


What do you think?
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It may be time to wrap the wing. If done correctly, it won't hurt him at all. And do be careful and watchful. Wrapping too tight can cut circulation and kill tissues. Not to make you nervous, just aware. I have not had to wrap for angel wing, so perhaps you may want to start a new thread asking people to weigh in.

I cannot quite tell much from the photo's. May be my eyes. So if you can get a few pics from different angles that may help.

Gotta go offline for a while.

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