angel wings in waterfoul

Angel wing can be fixed if caught early enough. You need to strap the wing to the body for a few days - but it can be difficult to do without help- and the ducks usually find a way to escape the wrapping. It is usually diet related, but can also happen through injury as well.
That's correct, if allowed to go long though it's permanent.

general cause of it is diet related.
Several factors play a roll in it, too much protein in the ducklings diet is the main cause, also not enough, magnesium and calcium play a roll as well.
what happens is with a ton of protein, the muscle and feather mass out grow the bone structure of the wing (that's where the mag and cal. come in)
When this happens the wing weighs more than the bone structure can Handel, and causes the wing to droop and curl. During this period, the wing bones are still soft and growing rapidly, being out of place, as they harden into adult bone, they are miss shaped, once they are done growing and the bones are solid, the condition is then permanent.
best to keep all waterfowl under 18% protein and be sure the ration has good bone building elements in it, also the carbs can play a role in it as well, keep them low as possible too.
thanks to those of you offering answers, i really appreciate it.

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