any Easter Egger/ silver wyandotte owners?

I have an Easter Egger chick I just bought who reminds me a LOT of a silver laced Wyandotte. She’s gorgeous!! I don’t currently have any pics of her, but she has the coloring of a Wyandotte with the feathering of an Easter Egger. I’ll post a pic tomorrow. Do you have any pics of yours?
I hatched some silver wyandette /ee about 4 weeks ago,then 2 weeks ago and have a few hatching right now.
I don't know if any we be olive eggers.I have couple olive eggers and they were second generation silver Wyandotte/ee breed to ee.
my babies


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I'm a first-timer with Ameraucanas, and bought my first pair of them before finding info on the standard breeds. Thanks to stumbling on the standards, I now know that the handsome roo I have at home is not a purebred Ameraucana, but an Easter Egger. His odd-looking comb was the first clue to his mixed origins. The grey (blue?) hen I bought with him looks to fit the Blue standard color, but since she's laying eggs that vary between turquoise blue and light green (mostly the latter), I'm inclined to think she's also an EE. I wonder what breeding these two together would give for chicks... their plumage is bound to be somewhat colorful, unless my hen's blue plumage overrides my roo's gold-carried genes. Only time will tell x3

I just hatched some a month ago. they look awesome and hopefully will lay green eggs. might be my favorite Mutt chicken I've ever crossed. anyone with any pics grown up
This is my Easter Egger hen Wendy. I’m pretty sure she is part Lavender Ameraucana and part Buff Laced Wyandotte. She also lays a beautiful green-blue egg.
This is my Easter Egger hen Wendy. I’m pretty sure she is part Lavender Ameraucana and part Buff Laced Wyandotte. She also lays a beautiful green-blue egg. View attachment 1320961

She's such a pretty gal! o.o

Was it a lavender ameraucana roo over a buff laced wyandotte hen, or a buff laced wyandotte roo over a lanvender ameraucana hen?

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