Any fermentation fans (fanatics?) here?

Ok so this afternoon I made ginger beer.

First the sugar and ginger root go in the blender

then add water

Then... BLEND!! This mixes in the sugar and breaks up the ginger

While thats blending I set out the bottles. These are just old juice bottles with nice tight lids and strong plastic

Measure out the bug

Pour an even amount of the blended syryp in each bottle

Then fill up to these handy lines on the bottle

Half a cup of bug per bottle

Then its into the attic, which is usually warm because its not insulated, but now with the weather getting colder I'll have to bring them to my room at night or they will get too cold. The warmth makes a nice fruity taste in the ginger beer.

I will update you when the bottles pop(when the bottom blows up, not when they literally pop, lol)! It will happen probably in 2 or 3 days
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They look great! It makes sense to use plastic bottles to assess the carbonation level. I use glass flip-tops and have had a couple of bottles of water kefir blow up in my refrigerator...first clue was the pool of sticky liquid on the floor, and glass shards everywhere inside.
I know what happened, though, and can prevent a recurrence now. If in doubt (or it's hot inside), I put the bottles in a cooler to second ferment.
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Once I had a plastic bottle blow the lid off. All I heard was BOOM and when i went to check the lid was 30 feet away!!! Then there was the mess...sticky sugar water all over
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I am just getting into some light fermenting. Been fiddling with kvass over the last couple of weeks. This is our first winter on our property. Next year, once I have an established garden, I hope to get more daring.

I might try some mead pretty soon. I also have dozens of sassafras trees on the property. I am researching fermented rootbeer now.
I am just getting into some light fermenting. Been fiddling with kvass over the last couple of weeks. This is our first winter on our property. Next year, once I have an established garden, I hope to get more daring.

I might try some mead pretty soon. I also have dozens of sassafras trees on the property. I am researching fermented rootbeer now.
Nice! I haven't tried kvass yet - it's made from beets, right? Is it salty? I'm a big borscht fan.

I also want make a root beer (second ferment) water kefir, but was hoping to find some wild sassafrass around (it's supposed to grow out here). How are you planning to make your fermented root beer?

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