Any one hear the whopper on the Today show about egg color?

Oh darn.....where did I leave that golden chicken!!!
yeah where is my buff orp at? i need golden eggs stat!!!! i wonder what ameraucanas eggs would be in that idiot's mind? rainbow colored??? i dunno i dont think she should be an editor of a magazine if she cant do better research a.d fact checking
Last year at the county fair I overheard a mother telling her child that the white silkies they were looking at layed blue eggs because that's what color their skin/earlobes are. After pointing out nicely to her that silkies lay whitish eggs and besides that, they were roosters, I showed her the brown/gray Aracaunas that do lay bluish eggs.
my husband works for a dairy , he tried to convince my daughter that was true ( when she was 3 years old)she kept telling him " no it doesnt daddy! your silly!" if my daughter is smart enough to now about where milk comes from you would think an ADULT would know about eggs!

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