Any one hear the whopper on the Today show about egg color?


12 Years
Aug 17, 2009
Carroll County, GA
I know I'm pretty green when it comes to chicken facts, but I believe I heard a whopper this morning on the Today show when they were talking about egg color. Now, mind you, this was from "Cooking Light" Magazines editor(?) but she said something like "I just learned an amazing fact - it seems white eggs come from chickens with white feathers and brown eggs come from chickens with red feathers". Oh, really?! I think there are some confused chickens out there who didn't get the memo.
What about C. Wyandottes, Delawares or RI Whites? Maybe those breeds have a "red feathered" ancestor(?) - but most folks would take that statement at face value. Just thought it was kinda humorous.
black eggs, now that would be a sight to see. imagine having to candle them
This is a pretty common myth about egg color. In fact, a few years ago my DD's preschool was learning about farm animals. The book that they were using said the exact same thing. Later that week when they came to our farm for a field trip about chickens I squashed that myth.
Just because that person is an Editor of some cooking Magazine (that I never heard of) Does not mean she is smart enough to kno wwhere eggs come from let alone the color of an egg she more then likley had someone do the research for her and they read the same book as Ang's DD had read in preschool

I do how ever feel if you are going to be giving this info to millions you should at least get it right.
Of course this does not say much for the today show how much other wrong info have they allowed to slip out on to the airs from people who have no freakin clue about what they are saying.
Hmmm...I wonder...does that mean white milk comes from white cows or goats and chocolate milk comes from brown cows or goats?
Seems like the same type of logic.

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