Any one hear the whopper on the Today show about egg color?

what color eggs do my brown leg horns lay?
any guesses?
but i really need to be paying more attention to the eggs my buff orpingtons are laying! maybe i should be charging more.
My friend's daughter came home from school and told her mom that the teacher told her white eggs are from a hen that hasn't been with a rooster, and the brown ones are fertile.

We promptly got an incubator set-up and 40 multi-colored eggs in that classroom to do a little ed-ja-ma-caytin'.

I mean I know we aren't hard-wired with knowledge about chickens and eggs, but REALLY??
hate to be the spelling person but its faux pas not fopaw lol this is a good thread

I actually I didn't even think it was a actual word to have a correct spelling...Ohhh well if that is my boo boo for the day, I can live with it.

lol its ok i hate saying anything but my ocd couldnt ignore it lol
I actually I didn't even think it was a actual word to have a correct spelling...Ohhh well if that is my boo boo for the day, I can live with it.

lol its ok i hate saying anything but my ocd couldnt ignore it lol

Better you than me, Dave. I was trying so hard not to say anything either.
I have been accused of being a member of the "Grammer Police". My DS thought it was SUPER funny to give me a sign that says "Bad Spellers of America Unight".

BCR - it's a French term - hence the weird spelling. Like Hors d'oeuvres....silly French people
Words like that always remind me of Monty Python's Holy Grail and the little dude with the bad mustache and big gloves on top the castle saying "Go away before I taunt you some more."

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