Any one hear the whopper on the Today show about egg color?

Would a frizzle give you pre-scrambled eggs?

WOW the mentality of some people. . . I guess my chickens lay black eggs, black and white laced eggs, orange eggs, black tipped white eggs, blue eggs, brown eggs, red and blue eggs, and so on. . . Hmm. Where the heck do my GREEN eggs come from??!! There's no green chicken after all. OH. . . They're from my black roosters! They shimmer green!
My chickens are interesting. one is orange and one is red with white spots. The orange one lays orange eggs and the red one lays pinkish eggs with white spots. Isn't that weird?
Last Monday I brought in 4 - 1 week old chicks (EE, SS, LB & BA) AND 1 doz eggs from our hens to share with my daughters 1st grade class. Some kids did not know that eggs could be brown, never mind green and blue. The stories they came home with were great I'm sure. "Mommy, Katys Mom said chickens eggs are BLUE!" Suburbanites!
what breeds are used by egg producers to get white or brown eggs?

well depends on the company. some have their own developed breeds and crosses but the base for whites are leghorns like production blacks, ideal 236's(which im a proud owner of a few of), california whites and white leghorns. for brown eggs its usually isa browns, production reds and the various sex links.
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