Any one hear the whopper on the Today show about egg color?

That's sort of what I was thinking, "Commercially" produced eggs do come from white on white and brown on brown. So the accuracy of the comment depends a little on how you are looking at it. For the most part 99.9999999% of all brown eggs would be coming from brown chickens. Nobody not even scientists would be likely to consider that other 0.00000001%. Now don't let you chickens see this but that is considered "Insignificant". Sort of like nobody is ever going to say that eggs come from back yards all over the country. It happens but nobody is counting it. what was it I read the other day. 1 hatchery alone produces 3.5 million eggs a week??? that is half a million eggs a day. I wonder just how many trucks it takes to haul away that many eggs. So in a purest since the comment is not accurate, from a realistic since it is.
You started this.

So I was wondering. Ya know how when a toddler eats crayons and it shows in their poop? If you fed chickens a box of crayons and since they technically "paint" the egg when she's laying it would they paint the egg w/ the crayon?
I'd bet the poop would be all that is "painted". Why not try feeding your laying hens beets and see what happens and let us know. Or eat some beets yourself. You don't have to let us know these results, though.
While this fopaw by the media is funny, it is really sad. There are people in this country who make big and important decisions on what these people say. They can break a stars career in an instant, or make one out of a person lacking talent. It is a sad commentary on our media and how it controls the lives of some people in this country. Fortunately for me I can't stand to have the tv on, and it is only on when the DW is home. I think this country and the world would be a better place if some of us would just shut it off from time to time and try and take in life. And if we must listen do not take their word as gospel.
that's what I'm thinking!!

Now with that being said I found out that the local jail want's to buy all the eggs my barred rocks can lay they said it would match the uniform stripes of the prisoner's
..............sorry I couldn't help the bad joke I had to say it.

hate to be the spelling person but its faux pas not fopaw lol this is a good thread

Now with that being said I found out that the local jail want's to buy all the eggs my barred rocks can lay they said it would match the uniform stripes of the prisoner's
..............sorry I couldn't help the bad joke I had to say it.

hate to be the spelling person but its faux pas not fopaw lol this is a good thread

I actually I didn't even think it was a actual word to have a correct spelling...Ohhh well if that is my boo boo for the day, I can live with it.

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