today show was mstaken


10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
the did a thing on eggs and said the color feathers dicided the color egg its the ear not the feathers
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There is an opportunity here to educate. Lets get their email address and let them know that they were mistaken (not lying) and point out to them that their viewers can get all the important imformation that they might require right here on the world famous BYC.

I'm just sayin---------

Mike D
Yep, so much for their research!
All they could have google us, and we would give them tons of information!
The woman from Cooking Light magazine was in a very limited time format. And she is a cook, not a chickeneer, and approached the subject from that angle.

What she said was that white eggs come from chickens with white feathers and brown eggs come from chickens with red feathers, and there is no difference in nutrition or taste. I see nothing wrong with a quick generalization like that when you are reaching an audience totally uneducated about chickens. When it comes to the laying industry, that generalization is actually pretty spot on.

She also pointed out the cage-free and free range labels don't mean much since there is no standards for those terms that have to be complied with. The calorie values for different size eggs was given as well.

I though she did well from a cook's and shopper's standpoint.

It's not always the earlobes, as speckledhen said, it's the breed.
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There appears to be no real journalism these days- no one fact checks- the worst part is people out there take everything on the news as real -

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