Anyone ever order from efowl?

Alright, well I think I may order from Metzer. It looks like it allows for orders of one, anyone confirm this or should I just get two sexed hens?

Now I just have to decide if I want blue runners or Cayuaga. Someone help me!?
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They are friendly, beautiful, good layers, on the quieter side and just generally adorable...
There is some small order charges that would be enough for me to just order more and sell the extra when they came.

Our normal minimum order size is as follows:

Ducklings: 10
Ducklings and Goslings (combined): 10
Goslings: 8
Wild Turkeys: 10
Guineas: 20
Ringneck Pheasants: 30

The reason we have these minimums is so the birds can keep themselves warm during shipping. It may be warm in your area but remember that our birds go through San Francisco and it is never warm there at night!

However, we are now able to ship fewer than these quantities for ducklings and goslings. We have done some experimenting and have learned we can ship smaller quantities of waterfowl than before. By sealing the majority of holes on the outside of the box, putting insulation on the floor and using a special heat pack, as few as two ducklings or goslings can be shipped anywhere in the US. This new minimum only applies to ducklings and goslings.

The Small Order Charge is $12 and includes the special 60 hour heat pack, the insulation and box sealing.
There is also a minimum charge for the birds (excluding sexing charges) of $32.
This means that if you order 7 Pekins (7 x $4.15 = $29.05) you will be charged $32, not 29.05, as $32 is the minimum. However, if you order eight (8 x $4.15 = $33.20) you will be charged $33.20 for the ducklings (plus the $12 heat pack since you are ordering fewer than 10 ducklings). Either way you will need to have a heat pack included.
We feel this is an excellent way to meet the needs of those that can only raise a couple birds.

Normally we try to include a free bird with most orders. With orders that require the Minimum Order Charge, we do not include extra birds as we understand you are ordering this few as you do not have room for more.
I think it was McMurray I was looking at. Not Metzer. I got mixed up lol. I am not sure how their shipping works with two ducks. I would order more, but my concerns are these:

1. I really only have room for two more, so no keeping them, and if I see them, I will want to keep them

2. What if I can't sell them?

I don't know...I guess we'll see how much McMurray charges for only two ducklings. I don't mind paying extra for their heat pack, etc. I just need to add some hens! I am getting at least one Cayuga, I suppose I could get a runner too and mix it up. A runner is what my husband wants, and I want a Cayuga lol!

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