Anyone have their Jaw Wired Shut?

An addition to the Mashed Potatoes idea.... For special occasions we make this... these are the best Mashed Potatoes of all time.... only they are insanely fattening!
Box of Mashed Potatoes .... Several bars/tubs of Cream cheese. The ratio we make it... An 4 person serving of potatoes from the box directions... to a bar (double stick) or a tub of cream cheese. It comes out so creamy and smooth... its lovely! When you put the butter and such in the pot according to box directions (hold off on the milk) put the whole thing of cream cheese in there to melt in the pot. It works best to use a flat spoon and mash the cream cheese against the sides of the pot.. to help it melt... and add some milk while your mashing it to help the cream cheese melt well. Once its melted.. add your flakes in.. until its the consistency you want. One great thing about this.. is if you need to make the potatoes on the runny side for him.. its not going to taste all watery.
In the cream cheese aisle... In the tubs, they have a bunch of flavors. I remember using the chive one and the garlic one for the potatoes... and those might improve the flavor too!

My mom (ChooksinChoppers) worked as a chef in a nursing home. I know she had to puree breakfast, lunch, dinners, and desserts because a lot of the residents were on liquid diets. I'll send her over here in the morning to see if she has anything to add!

Poor guy
Poor Mom
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Oh no Squishy! Don't even remind me of that *shudders* they even had us blending up chocolate cake (which seemed an awful thing to do to a nice cake)
and hamburgers, buns,condiments and all
I think the best were home made soups blended up really smooth and extra broth added to make it even more drinkable. We made all our soups from much healthier!

I am in need of a new blender for this....

Looking at the Ninja 1000 watt and the Hamilton Beach Dual Wave...

Anyone have any insight on any of these or have one that is relatively inexpensive that works great? Both of these will run be close to $100. Wonder if restaurant supply stores rent something like this? I have a blender, but it is old and I cannot see it blending fine enough.

Hoping things in the garden hurry and ripen so I can get some good fresh veggies for soups, etc. The only fruits I have ready are my strawberries and blackberries (all my blueberry bushes died, storms ruined my apples and cherries
and the peaches and grapes aren't ready yet).

Thanks all...
Anymore ideas/thoughts are very welcomed...
Chocolate Mouse is nice and smooth for a desert, all ready blended for ya

But it is very hard to lay your hands on real Mouse. Fake stuff everywhere. Might as well be pudding.
Because I don't actually understand the limits imposed by the procedure... I'm wondering... does it just make it impossible to chew, or is it that only something through a straw could get through your teeth, so to speak?

If there was still just a little room... maybe you could make up some pasta and substute the very small soup noodles, like the little stars? Spaghetti at least, with lots of sauce would keep the weight on!

Oh! Who am I kidding? I eat it that way already! (Not the stars, the sauce = like soup).

What are things that he normally likes to eat, his favorites? Maybe some of us here could help come up with ideas on substitutions that might be more to his taste.... thus leave him less grumpy... thus leave momma less stressed.
They say there will not be room for a straw... has to use a syringe with a tube and stick it back behind his molars... everything else has to be able to fit between his teeth....

To me it sounds painstakingly difficult... syringes don't hold that much.

His favorites... ANYTHING with lots of peppers and spice
and he like seafood (guess that is from living in FL)
He eats just about anything except tomatoes (sauce okay... just not chunks) and isn't fond of mayonaise.

I could probably put jalapenos in dirt and he would eat it

Things could change when everything is blended together

Been looking through the websites as well and someone said canned tamales taste pretty much the same all blended up ( I think they are gross to begin with... so

My mother makes a superb carrot souffle... wonder if I could find more souffle recipes... would have to liquify them, but ???
I will probably try the mashed cauliflower (potato substitute) for some variety and vitamins (I want to try those cream cheese mashed potatoes YUMMY).

Everything just has to be diluted or blended thin so it can fit through the little tube.
When we were in high school, my husband broke his jaw playing football at a cross country meet during warm-ups, broke his jaw in 3 spots and the jaw became completely unhinged. He had to have his jaw wired shut for about a month, 2 weeks sounds wonderful! My husband lost a lot of weight, despite eating shakes, smoothies, high calorie protein powders. The thing is, you get very bored of the liquid diet. His mom pureed everything! Spaghetti, soups, veggies, even meat, trying to give him a variety of new things. Just be careful about getting things stuck in the wiring, brush a lot.

Definitely is scary the gag factor, getting upset or emotional, sickness, allergies, sneezing, just things that are no problem until you can't open your mouth. Also, his lips were so chapped, so invest in a lot of chapstick. I hope that your son recovers quickly.
I am currently doing a high protein supplement shake called Isopure... flavors in this order are good : Dutch Chocolate , Cookies and Cream .

Make sure when you do protein powder shakes or whey protein you want to avoid anything not saying whey protein Isolates as the first ingredient. Also, NO maltodextrin NO aspartame .
Hubby had jaw surgery about 8 weeks ago and then again 6 weeks, complete liquid diet, wired shut for the last 6 weeks. We used a lot of weight gaining supplements from GNC or Vitamin world, we also used the Ensure weight gainer which my husband really liked. I should mention my husband is a weight-lifter and 6'3" 230; he lost 20lbs after the surgery but has very slowly started to gain it back. Good luck to your son, pm me for food ideas if you need any, I have 6 weeks worth

ETA: Protein shakes mixed with milk instead of water are a must, I think that is what kept my husband from becoming emaciated lol
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Three things: Yes, he will be hungry, but even over two weeks - he'll live. Two, as was already said - never lose sight of those pliers!! Pain meds can make you nauseated, strange foods blended overly creatively can make you nauseated. When your jaw is wired shut what comes up cannot come out!

Last - pay attention to what the doctors and nutritionists say he can have no matter how much he begs for stronger stuff. Remember it cannot come out easily if he gets sick or chokes AND on a heavily altered diet like that will not want to come out the other end either....... Make sure you use things designed for this purpose. Over using things like weight builder will make him SO uncomfortable after the week.... - well you figure it out.

I had my jaw wired shut for 4 weeks when I was in college. I was terribly skinny starting out and did lose weight. But, I lived.

Vomiting is more dangerous than weight loss.

Poor baby, ---- poor mom!!

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