Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

What one person thinks is a blessing, another person can find a curse. I think you should do it anyway - so what if it's a lot of weight? Where do you begin? The same place as everyone else - with the first pound. If you don't start you can never finish!!! So do it! C'mon!!
I've packed my car full of healthy snacks in a hope I eat more while I'm driving - which is one of my downfalls. I can't stand drive-through/petrol station food so I just don't eat.

So now my car has yogurt covered goji berries, a big box of nuts/seeds, a bag of homemade toasted muesli, a heap of small organic chocolate coated coffee beans and some beetroot chips.

My current problem appears to be the size of my stomach. I cannot for the life of me eat a decent sized meal. I am trying to expand it but it really hurts to do so. Stretched overfull tummy doesn't feel good.

I tried eating a 120g (1/20th-ish a pound) steak and I couldn't even eat half of it - that's how small my stomach has gotten. BUT! I ate out - and nobody gave me funny looks!! <3 Yaaay. Actually, a waitress congratulated me on having steak for breakfast!! (she knows the issue) So I think I'm getting more encouragement now.

Still no weight gain - but again, I'm working off feelings right now. Seem more important at the moment than numbers.
Maybe just eat one extra bite when you're "full". And don't fill up on salad or bread first - eat the protein- and fat-rich stuff first. Use salad and bread to fill in the corners.

Glad you have a good attitude. Does your muesli have honey on it? If not, you might want to try that.
Maybe just eat one extra bite when you're "full". And don't fill up on salad or bread first - eat the protein- and fat-rich stuff first. Use salad and bread to fill in the corners.

Glad you have a good attitude. Does your muesli have honey on it? If not, you might want to try that.

It has agave in it! P: Yummy! And I snuck some butter in it too to up the fat content.

Thanks for the advice!
I had antipasto yesterday for lunch so I think that was probably perfect. A giant pile of pesto, crackers, cheese and meats? Oh yeah.

I have this bodybuilding cookbook and it has recipes for putting bulking powder into things like pasta sauce without noticing. I was thinking of trying that.

Thank you!! How are you going?!
Do not say such things, you are more then welcome to join... and no one is only trying to lose 10 lbs! LOL

A lot of people are making little goals, and then adding another 10 or even 20 as they meet one goal at a time. Its much better to take baby steps instead of struggle for 50 lbs to go quickly.

I started at 180 in September, and I've finally lost 22 lbs... I am going for another 18 from here on out. It was hard, but 1 goal at a time, and this great group makes it possible
So come join! Sign up on the sheet and start watching the weight drop.
Your a little star

I hope you find time to try it!?
We're having my stick wings tonight, but I promise... not low in fat or calories!!!!
Thanks everyone! I'll join! Thanks for all your kind words! I did loose 32lbs in '09 by going to weight watchers. But the DH won't pay for it anymore... so now I'm lost with out the support. This could be all I need! I've been watching everything I'm eating today just because of this thread!
Thank you for the words of encouragement, vfem and wildorchid.

Wildorchid, it sounds like you are on your way to changing your habits. I have had a few bouts with being obsessive to the point of anorexia, it's a scary place for me to have my mindset. There is a problem when you revel in your stomach growling in hunger, and I have been there. Before, it's as if I just switched from thinking about eating food all the time to thinking about not eating it. But, that meant that my mind was still on food. It's a challenging pattern to break, but I know that you can do it. Hobbies are a great way to refocus your mind off of your tummy.

What brought about my changes is a stomach bug and just a generally sensitive stomach. I had been suffering from an upset stomach pretty regularly, and finally had a few days that were excrutiatingly painful and scary. The conclusion that I came to was that I need to listen to my body and feed it what it needs. No more and no less. My body can't deal with fatty foods well, and sweets seem to do a number on it as well. Sometimes the problem is that I simply ate too much at one sitting. As I age, my digestive system can't handle what it used to. This has turned into a bit of a blessing in disguise. I am eating smaller meals more often in the day and I cut way down on my fats and my sugar. Since I changed my eating habits my stomach has not had one bad day, and my energy level has gone way up. Strangely, I had been having an arthritic issue with my knee (an old injury), but since I have been eating more fruits and veggies and fewer simple carbs and fats it's almost gone. I know that it's not from weight loss, as I have only lost a few pounds. It's a benefit that I wasn't expecting. My next goal is to increase my exercise levels. Slow and steady.
I remember back when I first tried to lose weight. I thought I was doing great cuz I was only taking "firsts" and not "seconds". Couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing anything.

Started actually measuring and tracking my food and nearly fell over from the shock. Turned out that "firsts" was like 7 "servings" and 1000 calories or something silly like that. Whoa. Totally got me to realize just how badly my "full" button had gotten messed up. After that, I measured *everything* ate and wrote down how much I was going to eat *before* I ate it. Just so I could have some control of it and figure out what portion sizes really meant.

It took a long time to learn to eat real servings and even to recognize what a "serving" was without having to measure or weigh *everything*. Eventually, I got there. And mostly, nowadays, I just have to be careful of after-dinner grazing on crap, and make sure I exercise. But yeah - I'm right with you on being surprised at how small a "normal portion" really is.
Do not say such things, you are more then welcome to join... and no one is only trying to lose 10 lbs! LOL

A lot of people are making little goals, and then adding another 10 or even 20 as they meet one goal at a time. Its much better to take baby steps instead of struggle for 50 lbs to go quickly.

I started at 180 in September, and I've finally lost 22 lbs... I am going for another 18 from here on out. It was hard, but 1 goal at a time, and this great group makes it possible
So come join! Sign up on the sheet and start watching the weight drop.

annaraven is right....I set my goal at 20 lbs because I was afraid if I set it higher I'd get discouraged. We all have tricks we play on ourselves to help get us there!!
annaraven is also right about portion control. I used to do the exact same thing!! It's encouraging to see that I'm not the only one.

I blew it yesterday. Celebrated my sons graduation. I made enchiladas, full mexican feast, had to have margaritas. My oldest son made a chocolate mousse, brownie, hazelnut, caramel cake...his own recipe...OMG
I know I went over my allotted calories!!! Guess I'll have to really work hard this week to work that off AND still lose at least a pound.

See...I'm already to the point where I'm happy with one pound a week. Progress is progress, no matter how small.

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