Anyone want to help us choose a few new chicks???

I love my RIR. She lets me carry her around like a big red feathery football.

I also love my EEs. They have so much character in those puffy little faces and I get to collect pale green and pale blue eggs every day
My Golden-laced Wyandotte is a bit standoffish, but is beautiful and a very regular layer.

My BO, Ruby, is my absolute favorite because of her charming, sweet, curious nature. She's a true pet, always willing to be handled, always comes when she's called, very trustworthy and a solid layer. I wish I'd gotten at least one more BO.

oooh, such a hard choice!!!!! Olivia was almost late to school this morning because we were discussing this and looking at pictures. When she left for school we'd tentaively decided on
for the egg colors mostly......

Angie, she also said "How about a cochin?" but I really want eggs, so.....

Now after reading your posts, I'm back to thinking maybe a BO? Sheesh! I sure wish we could have more than 6!!

Oh well, we'll see if the feed store can order Welsummers, first of all.

Here's a question for you all:

How early is too early to order chicks? Most of the feed stores around here (Maine) don't get their first orders delivered until LATE APRIL or MAY. But one store will order early if we want, as early as a MID-MARCH delivery. That sounds great to us (earlier eggs!) but will we be running a much greater risk of losing the chicks since its colder out? Since we're only ordering 3 chicks, it sure would be a bummer to lose any!!! There's also the issue of it being warm enough for them to go outside when they're old enough. What do you think?

I can't answer your last question, as I myself am worrying if my orders due February 20th and 24th, are going to be too early for the cold

I did want to add
Have you considered Brahmas? I'm a little partial, as they were my first chickens, and I just fell in love completely. They are on the larger scale, but I wouldn't say they are "huge" and they have the most awesome temperments. One of my buff Brahma roos was slightly territorial (only went after the boys, or my husband...not but the guy I kept is just a sweetie. They lay pretty well, too.

I haven't noticed it as much with my other chickens, but they sort of "talk" to you too, when I pick one of my girls up and talk to her, she will kind of coo and chatter back to me, it's cute
Delaware-Critical on the ALBC list-lays profusely,docile,bears confinement

Sussex-Threatened on the ALBC list-lays profusely,docile,bears confinement

Welsummer-dont know where it stands on list,lays well,docile, bears confinement

This is not from personal experience, this is from what I read......Also, I have heard that you have to be careful where you get your Delaware because some are crosses and rather flighty(but are being sold as purebreds)

Have Fun! Good Luck!
How can you tell if you are getting a cross breed Delaware? Is there a particular hatchery you would recommend (or not?)

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