Arkansas Blue egg layers

I have been trying for years here on BYC and locally to get people interested in these birds.
I believe lack of interest was that it was an incipient breed that needed many breeders interested and invested in keeping breeding healthy genetic stock, as fewer and fewer breeders kept the breed this was bound to happen.

The issue is not that few people like to eat blue eggs, most people if given the chance between a white or blue, will choose a blue. The issue is how you get them. There are plenty of ways to get blue eggs(or light green) there are at least 5 breeds that can get the job done without breeders having to invest in maintaining the breed.

The basic premise of the breed was very simple. A chicken that could lay like a battery cage hen(340-350 eggs per year) with beautiful blue eggs. Having mostly productive leghorn in them assured most of that production claim. But the breed never took off due to the small pool of breeders and was not backed up by a hatchery like the True Blue or True Green lines..
Well. For that one person there are probably ten or more who would love to have blue eggs, if the cost is not prohibitive. People like novelty, and blue eggs are beautiful.
Since the original thread was closed, hopefully we can start again as there are many questions about and much interest in this breed.

This thread is for breed discussion only, including genetics, characteristics, and people's experience with these birds.

If you have issues with other members, or feel the need to complain or vent, please do so in a PM, or contact a moderator.

I believe we can have a civil discussion, and let everyone benefit from each other's experience. Poor sportsmanship will not be tolerated, and will be reported immediately for moderation.
I am interested in raising some of the Arkansas blue chickens and saw that you had eggs available on another post. Is this still the case?

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