Arranged Marriages for Ducks& Dealing with ex-GF Chickens-NEW VIDEO

Oh I love this thread. You are great at telling stories. You should write a book. How did their 1st night go? How is Miss Red doing?
Clyde & Delilah spent their first night side by side:love. i do catch clyde leaving her to go check on miss red. today she seemed less irrational about the whole thing. I peek out the window to find the 3 of them nesting under the hammock:D (miss red laid an egg there) so they must be getting used to the idea of a love triangle. as long as miss red can be civil , its a win/win/win situation
.They are slowly going from enemies to sister wives !

oh and also miss red had a booty call from the white silkie rooster , Johny
. She looked like she "had a headache" but still proceeded to let it happen.

forget "as the world turns" ,this is more like "as the feathers fly"
haha funny story I have a regular pekin named clyde, lol. He had a love affair with our dog for a while till I got him some ladies about a year and a half ago lol. He got over the dog pretty quick and she was GLAD to be rid of him!
Even in the poultry world, it is a man after the almost unreachable dream of having two women at once. Boy, if you had more drakes I could just hear him bragging, "Oh, you wouldn't believe how awesome this is! Two of them and they sort of fight over me, and it is just such a rush, man....I mean drake."
The girls are back at the nest deciding which one is going to have the chore of entertaining him and who actually gets to clean the nest and prepare the meals. My bet is that Dalilah is thinking it is all love and romance, like it is going to be the never ending honeymoon. Just wait until her tail feathers fall out, and she starts putting on a little weight and her drumsticks turn into cankles. He will probably go and spend all his time with old Red. I can see it coming. It is going to be tragic. Poor Delilah will have all her little ducklings to tend to and teach to swim and look for food, and Clyde will be kicking back with that old hen. Love triangles never work.

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