Astrology and peafowl.


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2019
I recently posted a thread with my bird acting strange. I also some other weird behavior threads at same time. This Friday is kinda a special moon and i wonder if it effects the way he acts. Are there any peafowl owning astrologer that have noticed birds acting different during different events? Thought might be a fun topic.
I think the moon has an effect on all life. Its a known fact that a full moon causes surges in serotonin and dopamine levels in human brains. The moon can trigger aggression, depression and anxiety. Why not animals?! If you could do an in-depth study on bird behavior, I would bet there would be changes of some sort.
I believe that about the eggs. They are all stressed and pooping and gets them nice and clean. Im gonna keep a close eye on him next full moon. Maybe messes with his sleep cycle being so bright. He usually perches outside at night. Hes in his tree house tonight and doing better.

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