ATTN: American Pit Bull owners.

I know the original post is from last summer, but I've gotta add that a dog is not only how it was breed, but also how it was raised. We have an American Pit mix (the dad was a purebred AKC registered pit). She is a great dog! She is not animal or people aggressive. We take her out in public (hiking, Petsmart, camping, etc) and she thinks everyone is her friend. She has been with infants and she is wonderful. In fact, we had an infant in one of those baby walkers and Casey (the pit) laid her head on the tray of the walker and let the baby yank on her ears, etc. Of all of out dogs she the most friendly and the one I trust the most with other dogs and children. Casey cuddles with the cat and the chicken free range in our backyard with the dogs. NEVER had a problem. My Brittany/Border Collie mix is the one that would be aggressive before the rest of our dogs since she is scared of everything. It is largely how a dog is raised!
Both of our Pits are the same way. we take them everywhere....well not our male anymore he's 3 and he had a lil misshap at the dog park.

My mom has a Pom and he's more aggresive than both my Pit's but together. He'll bite you if you go near his food.

It's all in how you raise any dog.
I agree, all our dogs will kill anything that doesn't belong within my four boundaries, but they will behave themselves on walks and parks off leash. They'll stop dead on their track if told to even in a middle of a chase/ fight.

Sometimes you can see them rush into a shrubbery and then backs away slowly and the next minute you'll see a chicken walk out from it (and the dogs are actually on raw diet that includes chicken).... all about what you teach them what is allowed and what is not.
I am a pitt owner. I was raised around fighting pits as well. The dog we own now is a sweet heart. He is a big scardy cat. We had to get another dog just to run things off in our yard because he was scared of everything that came here....would run under the house. Now the little lab and pomeranian we have are our vicuous attack are the ones who kill the chickens, the wildlife, and terrorize any dog who comes around.

I have small children and I am not in the least concerned that this dog will hurt them. I do however always keep my eyes on my children no matter what they are doing or what they are around, including the horses. I am more worried about the lab and pom than the pit! They are the ones to worry about here.

I was raised with fighting dogs as well. Bred/trained to kill. Those dogs NEVER showed any aggression towards me or my sisters growing up...not one time.

Most all dog breeds can have agression and bite...Pits get the bad rap because they can do the most damage when they attack. People just don't always fully understand dogs IMO I have seen far more little dogs far more vicious than a pit.

My thoughts on that...
I have to disagree. I had a pit/sharpie mix that was bred to fight and even exposed to fights before we took her in. She never bit any other animal or human in all of her 13 years. She was friends with the cats and best friends with our first golden retriever. Champ, the pitbull we have now was bred to fight. He is always wrestling with our golden retriever and constantly submitting to him. He gets along with the cats and chickens. In fact, I have never know any dog more timid in my life.

i have to point out that you dont know what your talking about , you have a pit/sharpie , not a game breed APBT , there is a big difrence
I have to disagree. I had a pit/sharpie mix that was bred to fight and even exposed to fights before we took her in. She never bit any other animal or human in all of her 13 years. She was friends with the cats and best friends with our first golden retriever. Champ, the pitbull we have now was bred to fight. He is always wrestling with our golden retriever and constantly submitting to him. He gets along with the cats and chickens. In fact, I have never know any dog more timid in my life.

i have to point out that you dont know what your talking about , you have a pit/sharpie , not a game breed APBT , there is a big difrence

Well, if you read my post properly, you would see that we do have a true pit bull. We HAD a pit bull/sharpie that was also bred specifically to fight just like this one. You might also try being polite when your posting. Especially when your not even reading the posts thoroughly.
Honestly, chances are MOST Pitbulls will have some level of animal aggression. It's been bred into them for hundreds of years. Just like MOST herding dogs will try to herd, well, anything.

It's not a good thing or a bad thing, but it's something conscientious dog owners acknowledge.

"Never trust your Pitbull to not fight".....even the pro-PB sites tell you this.

To ignore this is doing your dog injustice.
I have to disagree. I had a pit/sharpie mix that was bred to fight and even exposed to fights before we took her in. She never bit any other animal or human in all of her 13 years. She was friends with the cats and best friends with our first golden retriever. Champ, the pitbull we have now was bred to fight. He is always wrestling with our golden retriever and constantly submitting to him. He gets along with the cats and chickens. In fact, I have never know any dog more timid in my life.

i have to point out that you dont know what your talking about , you have a pit/sharpie , not a game breed APBT , there is a big difrence

Sorry Disagree, with you Paul, Our's is APBT. and the biggest lap dog you can find. I'm 72 and fell thur, My yorkie ran the other way but my pitt stayed right with me until help arrived,NOTNING YOU CAN EVER SAY WILL CHANGE MY MIND ABOUT PITTS. marrie
Many dogs will go after some other types of animals like little birds or hamsters etc. That is instinct. Some will go after cats and other dogs...but I have seen very few pitbulls who were animal aggressive. I've seen a few who were DOG aggressive, but most pitbulls I know are some of the nicest dogs you will ever know.

I would sooner trust a pitbull with little children than I would my cattle dog. When owning ANY dog you assume some risk of danger...doesn't matter if it is a golden retriever, chihuaha, or a pit bull.

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