ATTN: American Pit Bull owners.

Exactly. Everyone points out pit bulls, but any dog can snap. That is why you never leave a baby or young child alone with any dog. My grandmother was bitten very badly by a toy poodle and our golden retriever killed a chicken.
This is my baby girl. I rescued her from the dog pound on her last day to live when she was approx. 8-10 months old. She'll be 10 this Summer. She is not aggro toward dogs, cats or birds.



In this photo, she is politely, but firmly, asking Thing One to please stop biting at her nipples.


Hate the game, not the player.

edited to add...


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LOL, I'd never trust any type of herding dog with small children.

I'm specifically talking about animal aggression though, not human aggression (which are two completely different things)
i raise apbt's for a living they are the best thing since chickens had them since i was 4 yrs old. and ill tell u this when it comes to protecting my family flock etc. id never have anything else. they are the best and yes now they help me make a decent living. so that said when ur ready for a pup pm me i have the best of the best! and to all those that dont like the breed there is a reason behind why they have a bad name. i also say to all of yopu who down pits if you dont like them then thats your problem keep your opinions to yourself and let the guy be. to you my advise is this when u go to buiy a pup pay a good amount dont go cheap go real expensive. it goes with the old adage you get what you pay for when you buy a cheap pup you are most likely getting a street bred crossed out dog iof it even has papers they are more than likely stolen from another dog. when you go higher in your price range be careful even then make sure the breeder raises them for the breed not the money. if you need more advice pm me im aleways willing to talk pits and chickens.
i am not "downing" the breed.... i think that IN THE RIGHT HANDS they are increadable awesome dogs!!!!

rage syndrome.... OHGOD!!!! yeah cockers AND springers.. scary stuff that is... that whole breed needs to be re-vamped...
i have seen it several times.. and delt with it too... always have a muzzle ON them or near by when you groom them.. always!!!!
pitbulls were actually bred to be human tolerant. if you look at history yes the were a game breed but the fact is if you lived back then and were fighting a dog would you want it to come back on you in the pit. i think not. so therefore they were bred to be human tolerant. it was years of bad breeding mainly in the rapper craze trend in the inner city that it was cool to have a vicious dog that they started making them mean on purpose thus destroyin a long dmired reputation. as for numbers i say this i used to work for animal control a well known statistic ummmm noooo not pitbulls number one most likely dog to tuen on a human in the medium to large range. take a guess like i said no not a pitty its a dalmation folks they are skitso as heck. theres your number the numbers u see are whats popular to the press and nothing gets those papers rollin like a vicious pitbull attack i suggest when u hear this you do better reasearch and look at the dog in ? most of the time it isnt even a crossbred pitbull mutt but something totally different.
CF, you totally have that right. The drug dealers and gang members have nearly obliterated a once wonderful family dog by specifically breeding and encouraging human aggression.

Because, you's cool to have a 90lb muscular dog with cropped ears lunging and biting at people. Shows how bad @$$ you are, not to mention, you can't legally own a gun...

It's really very sad :-(
You have to remember that a lot of pit bulls that become pets (I'm talking anything under the general label of pit including mixes and purebreeds alike) are NOT bred to fight.

Bottom line, any dog will bite when provoked. Any dog, down to the smallest chihuaha can do a LOT of damage when attacking. I've seen small dogs do MUCH more damage than larger dogs.

Ideally, no animal should ever be trusted 100%. Some animals can be and may be very close to 100% trustworthy around other people, animals of their own kind, and animals of other species, but others can not. Many, if not most dog, horse, bird, cat, etc attacks have been due solely to carelessness...either on the part of the owner or the victim of an attack.

Barring medical issues, I've come to learn that most animals will not just suddenly attack. There are always signs, whether you acknowledge them or not. My dog growls around children. We recognized that right away and no longer allow him to be around children. He is locked away safely whenever there are children present at our house. This DOES NOT make him a bad dog. We recognized a problem and we acted on it. Unfortunately, not everyone is as responsible as we are. This is why people are attacked by animals.

One very similar example has to do with fanatics in religion. There are a lot of insane fanatics in islam, christianity, judaism, etc. Look at how americans treated muslims after the 911 attacks. The fact that several people who referred to themselves as "muslims" crashed a plane into our twin towers did not make every muslim a bad person. People tell me all the time "Oh, that person is not a real christian and does not represent our religion at all". Its true....they don't, and groups of people...or animals...should not be judged on the actions of a small percentage.

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