ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

so sorry to know that..its tough to have to go through that
Like the other poster says if you mix with other chicks they will cross breed

I have 3 pair and they are with my Golden pheasants and quails no problem
Just going through there molt and starting to feather up again
Cant wait to start getting eggs from them next year
I hatch a white Yoko 2 months ago and found him dead this week ,no symptoms just went ,bit sick as he was the only one to hatch out of 18 eggs
Lovely birds though
I raise Sumatras and have been considering Yokohamas. i've noticed they have a similar build. Are they the same temperment wise? My Sumatras are very flighty birds.

As for a mixed flock. If you only have one Roo and he is Yokohame, then all the eggs from your Yokohamas will be pures and all the other eggs will be crosses. The trouble is figuring out which eggs are the yokohamas. you could always just buy a bunch of EE's to throw in with them so you can definitely tell the eggs apart.
Yokohamas are more vulnerable to diseases they will require more attention them others breeds,in the winter a dry a insulated coop is needed a special diet base on proteins, I feed mine with dog food I soak it in water to make it soft of course.
they will eat chicken scratch but after time this will cost digestion problems.
they are not flying birds,
if you cross a red shoulder yoko with others breed and those breed are different in colors, the crossed chicks will come out splash or blue with red.
if you mix them with a pure white chicken the red shoulder will fade a lot or just a little bit.
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Are these guys smart enough be trained? Like as in, Trained to ride on the back of a donkey? lol, i know that sounds silly but If i hatched one out as a chick and worked with it, are the smart enough to do that?
I second this question, would love to find bantams, BUT would be thrilled to just hatch some regular eggs from those of you who have them. Phenominal right in with my phoenix and sumatras

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