August 2023 hatch-a-long

All 4 of my hatches have literally been 1 right after another, except this one, it's been about 6 weeks since my last hatch, and this one is definitely working my nerves, it's been a mess, lol.
I smelled stank 2 nights ago when I went to go to bed (the incubator is in my room) My incubator started growing bacteria, (not a bunch but I could see it starting) I don't understand why cuz I bleach the crap out of it. Anyway, candled the eggs, 1 had gone bad, the other 6 were alive and kicking, decided to take them to my broody. I took her golf balls away and the first egg I tried to give her she pecked a giant hole in (I chucked it)🤦‍♀️ The rest I cupped in my hand and she literally bloodied me pecking the crap out of me! She's been on them 3 days now and doing great, I check them when she gets off the nest to make sure there is no sink. Hatch day is Wednesday 🤞
In the process of dismantling my latest broody guinea nest (after catching one of my hens eating an egg :mad:), I candled something like 22 eggs today.
  • A few were certainly developing, so I tucked them into my Brinsea. When I ran out of space ;) I set a few earlier-stage growers on top of the water heater where I’d found other stored eggs developing previously; hopefully I have 2-3 hatching soon to clear some incubator space.
  • Quite a few were clear, so I put some in the fridge to cook later (these were laid recently), and set a few aside to eggtopsy.
  • An older egg I’d pulled and never checked was initially labeled “EQ?” as early quitter, and later I scribbled “blud ring” because that was how it looked when I candled again. I had a new one I pulled today from the broody nest, and I’m guilt-ridden. I labeled it “BR” today, because it was neither a clear egg nor did it have whatever features I thought I was looking for.
  • When I punctured these last two tonight, the first just had a shrinkwrapped dark yellow yolk, with not much else to note. But the second one!! The second had vibrant red blood vessels, and a legitimate embryo. It was probably approaching 25% development, and it was almost enough to make me vegan for life. :hit
  • I had something like 6 more that I needed to investigate, but it was hard to get over the misdiagnosis of a living egg… so I put them back on the table to maybe work on tomorrow.
Thinking abt doing a dry incubation.
My incubator has stayed steady at 35% humidity for a wk now...thinking abt leaving well enough alone till lock down...and then adding water....

Anyone else dry incubate??
I don't but I have thought about it since I have a couple weekends I am away so would be easier if the person checking didn't have to add water. But mine has gone to about 30 or just below so then I get nervous.

Can I start reg then switch to dry if I changed my mind or would that mess things up?
I don't but I have thought about it since I have a couple weekends I am away so would be easier if the person checking didn't have to add water. But mine has gone to about 30 or just below so then I get nervous.

Can I start reg then switch to dry if I changed my mind or would that mess things up?

Hmmmm..idk abt that...
I am planning on starting dry and adding if necessary based on air cell growth.

Idk if one could start with a higher humidity and then let it drop to raise it again during lock down...🤔🤔🤔

Hoping someone else has an answer for ya...
day 3 so candled my eggs.

I had 8/8 CCL developing!!!!! So excited about these (have 4 others that I am giving a co-worker)

Then 3/3 from my blue EE (she lays teal eggs)/Cochin roo cross.

0/3 from my EE (she is red and white and lays very very pale blue eggs)/Cochin cross

then think it is 3/12 from my normal breeder I get shipped eggs from, very very low rates from her recently). but I had I think 4 project cochins and don't think any are developing, so maybe fluffy butt issue or it is too darn hot there that the Cochins are saying NO way! LOL But I have 2 BYM blue eggs, and a "Reds kids" Blue egg (there is a frizzle cochin, think another cochin and something else in there. LOL).

So overall not bad and will give me enough to choose from if they keep developing. Have 14 going which is a good #.

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