August 2023 hatch-a-long

Hi. I cleaned my incubators a few weeks ago after hatching some quail for a family member. Stored them away.

Today I got a text from someone I had previously hatched some chicks for, asking if I could set another round for them. They want 10, will take up to 13, so I am setting 16. Just to make sure I have enough for them. Both roos are EE, hens are a variety, so I’ll pick the prettiest eggs from the bunch for them.

Luckily my aunt hadn’t collected today’s eggs before I got the text, so I’ll have those and any laid tomorrow morning to choose from. I like to candle all choices ahead of time and try to avoid super-porous ones.

So I’m joining you all. 😂 I set up both Kebonnix incubators, and will move eggs to just 1 for lockdown if I have 12 or less.

I just cleaned the baby brooder, too…the quail got picked up a few days ago. What am I thinking?
I'm just letting broodies hatch out eggs. :) One of my banty Cochin has decided it's time to make bebes again, so I gave her some eggs from my EE and OE. I noticed another one of my hens had disappeared and thought a predator had gotten her, but she showed up at feeding time today. So, she has a hidden nest. AND, my OEGB has been laying and is starting to sit. So, yeah. lol

Oh, and there are (so far) around 15 eggs in the Muscovy nest. But even if one of them starts sitting now, they won't hatch until September.
Was lurking in here too, but sounds like I may join in.

I'm getting a few Muscovy eggs from a friend's flock tomorrow - not sure how many yet but I'm going to incubate them and see what happens - It'll be my first ducks. I expect a bumpier ride this time: I read Muscovy are harder to hatch with an incubator and keep alive the first week, and the parents are older.

If I can set them on the same day, I'll join the August hatch-a-long even though technically, they would hatch september 2nd or 3rd I guess? Bonus: that'll be just when my parents visit and I'll have some time off to give ducklings extra care/attention.
Was lurking in here too, but sounds like I may join in.

I'm getting a few Muscovy eggs from a friend's flock tomorrow - not sure how many yet but I'm going to incubate them and see what happens - It'll be my first ducks. I expect a bumpier ride this time: I read Muscovy are harder to hatch with an incubator and keep alive the first week, and the parents are older.

If I can set them on the same day, I'll join the August hatch-a-long even though technically, they would hatch september 2nd or 3rd I guess? Bonus: that'll be just when my parents visit and I'll have some time off to give ducklings extra care/attention.
I had to set my hatch for my days off (three days off during the wk) I set my eggs after 8hrs of rest instead of the recommended 24 since they were shipped.

I hope your hatch works out for your days off too...

I just don't feel right leaving them to hatch without supervision 🤣🤣🤣
I had to set my hatch for my days off (three days off during the wk) I set my eggs after 8hrs of rest instead of the recommended 24 since they were shipped.

I hope your hatch works out for your days off too...

I just don't feel right leaving them to hatch without supervision 🤣🤣🤣
Fingers crossed!

I've kept the incubator in my office to supervise even if I do work (I work from home). Bonus entertainment for colleagues if they zip behind me during a zoom meeting I guess :rolleyes: I've tried to time them to hatch on the week end before and all my chicks were born Monday/Tuesday... Rebels!

(More likely I still don't quite get the counting of day 0 right?)
Best pic i could get of the twins...10 days left..
Both acting pretty healthy


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Wow the twins look so cool, I hope somehow they make it through hatching!

I ended up getting 4 muscovy eggs. One seems different from the other three. The aircell is a bit larger and off to the side a bit, and it has greyish streaks towards the pointy end. Not sure if that means anything since I've never candled duck eggs before and I don't know what normal looks like... Sooo, I'll just let them sit overnight in case the air cell moves back up and start incubating in the morning.


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