August 2023 hatch-a-long

Confirmed there was no life (still had some yolk material) and then buried it.



Afterwards, I found that the one I’d rescued from Melba’s egg buffet a few weeks ago (and kept on top of the water heater, subsequently labeled “Growing”) has pipped!
This one still has some gunk from the broody buffet, but maybe the contamination isn’t too bad?
“Growing” hatched, but it was growing more than just itself… note to other novices, pay attention when the experts say to select clean + properly-formed eggs!
“Dark” hasn’t hatched yet despite being dark at the point/tip for ~1 week, and one reason may be its elongated shape in comparison to the ideal-proportioned egg.
And…. that nest buffet enjoyed by one of my imposter broody hens in July: should’ve immediately culled everything in the vicinity.

But nooooo, I just had to “learn” what would really happen. :hit

She’s undergoing observation in an isolated chamber in the brooder at 90+°F while the incubator underwent a cleaning w/ chlorhexidine and is back running with another externally pipped egg.

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