August Hatch-A-Long

I also ordered another thermostat the other day so I can get my hatcher set up... so I can hatch eggs all the time! Don't tell anyone though, my friends and fam think I've gone egg crazy ; ) Good thing I have all of you!

Ha Ha, I have had to limit my discussions of chickens around others, so as to not be the crazy chicken lady!

Fuzzy butts
CUTE ones, too! What kind are they?
Well, I am excited!!  I just candled the eggs under my broody Serama... all her eggs had quit and I was thinking I could break her broodiness, but my other hen has been laying in her nest and they have been developing!  She lays one a day or every other day so they will be a bit staggered but I can always pop one in the bator if it is taking too long... there are only three.    I marked them so I will be able to take out freshly laid eggs... though I do wonder if they have to be taken out pretty quickly so they don't start incubating!?    It would be nice to save a few and hatch them at once.

These are my first ever fertile eggs from my own birds and the first ones all quit so hopefully these will do better.  The girls have been eating well since I got them, though that hasn't been very long.  I am really thrilled that these eggs are looking good.  I just today built a really cool brooder/indoor cage for my peachicks and think I will build another for the Serama chicks I incubate.  I never imagined I would be so passionate about hatching and birds, I have had chickens for years but there is something so special about hatching them yourself that has me seriously hooked : ) 
I hope this batch goes better! I have read that you have to take them out quickly or your broody's body heat will cause them to develop, but I don't know how often you should remove them as I'm new to chickens & have crammed way too much reading in my noggin, but don't have much actual experience :). Does anyone else here know how quickly an egg should be removed from a broody to prevent development?
Today I candled the 15 Buckeye eggs that have been in the incubator for 6 days now.I could see veining on all but one of the eggs. Even the egg that had some pretty major cracks that I sealed with wax appeared to be developing. I am very hopeful for this batch of eggs after having two, 0 hatch batches with shipped eggs.
That's great news! I can't wait to hear about your second batch :).
I can't believe it, but with tonight's day 14 candle I saw 7 bouncing little blobs of joy, showing off in the stage lights LOL. It took a while, & I had to get creative with a second flashlight, but once i figured out how to see in all the dark ones that's where the dancing little chickies were!
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Hi All!

Soooooo happy to be here. Thanks for starting (continuing) this thread. Love it.

This has been me since I found this sight
.... is there such a thing as a BYChiccrack addict?
Anyhoo...Hee-hee, ha-ha, ho-ho...I feeel like that...
and simultaneously like this...
Because today I brought home a 'batch' of English Lavender Orp eggs ! (Hope to get 'em in the bator this weekend) ! Call me crazy and you CAN, as I have 0, zilch, nada in experience.
My head is starting to feel like that Scanners movie... or the 'empty' old egg in the incubator, ya know?
(I forgot how easy it can be to revert back to prepubescent age and LIKE it ) .
If knowing that you guys are here wasn't an option, I would already be ready for the rubber room. Yeah, ok, I am ready for a rubber room but you guys are the biggest box of Crayola crayons I have ever had the privilege to become a part of (so I AM ok with that).
I now will apologize for any asz-anine questions or verbose posts I may send out. Hunm, like this one?
All I want to do is make it thru this with all the hair still on my head, all my fingernails intact, my faculties status quo, and not having to end up adding 'homeless' to my profile!
Success perceived is my success achieved, I guess.
I still have that 'sinking' feeling, being responsible for multiple, potential little lives :0. Fear should be my best motivator at this point.
BTW: For all the parents, especially the Moms, with the human children, I give you the ultimate 'props' and respect.
I can't I am over here 'losing' it over a box of e-g-gs !!!

Need all the help I can get as this is my first 'official' venture into truest chickendom....

Looking forward to comparing notes and learning whatever advantages I can for a successful hatch.
Now if I get a whole brooder of Roos...I will probably be starting a whole 'nother thread the Mods will have a field day with...
I would love 'em too, though they would go straight into foster/adoption status... for 'once' I feel bad for the 'dudes'. Whooda thunk it.

Finally, in conclusion, I wish everyone here and out 'there' the supreme success for all your hard work, (love, sweat and tears) and look forward to seeing many posts of victory!

Off to get my 2 hours sleep...if I could just hit the power/off button. Lord help me.

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