August Hatch-A-Long

Here is a pic of #1 and #2 on its way! Sorry not great pics

I woke up to a chick this morning (FINALLY, YAY!). And at least 2 more of my eggs are pipped!

When I got up this morning I checked my eggs that are on day 20 and one of them piped!!!
I have one beautiful chick that decided to hatch around 10 last night and another that is busy maybe getting ready to unzip!! So far so good!!! I will get some pics soon.

So many chicks hatching today!! Hooray! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everyone has good hatches!
I think we're up to 16 chicks out of 28 eggs. All 4 of my white eggs have hatched and all but 1 of my brown eggs hatched. 11 blue and green eggs still aren't making much progress. Of those 3-4 were questionable at lockdown and one has a massively screwed up air cell that I never expected much from. Oh well. There's still time for the others!
Somewhere around the 50 chick mark this morning. Lost 2 that managed to drown in 1/8" of water. Quail chicks are both clumsy and have no regard for one another, so they were probably trampled and just happened to be near the water at the time. Lesson learned. Today is day 19 so I'll clean out the incubator tonight and set more eggs tomorrow.

The eggs in my homemade incubator are due to hatch Monday. Both August hatches are the first from my own eggs so it'll be interesting to see how the hatch rates compare between the hovabator (which I'm rather impressed with) and my homemade thingy, plus I can compare how my homemade incubator matches up with the previous hatch from shipped eggs. I set about 170 eggs total and was hoping for about 100 chicks, but if I have to get 50 from my homemade incubator I don't think that will happen. Still, getting 50 from the hovabator will nearly cover the cost of buying it.
Well today is day 5. I will candle on Saturday. I attempted to candle last night but my barnevelder eggs are too dark to see any veins. Is it normal to miss them at this age? Will I be able to see anything a little later?

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