August Hatch-A-Long

Ok but what happened to the other eggs when the chick moves them?
I don't know if it's bad or not when the chicks roll the eggs around. I do know that it stresses me out though! I can't help it. It just worries me. For my last two hatches, I've cut the bottoms out of egg cartons so that they are only about an inch high and then set the eggs in those. It keeps the chicks from playing egg football but still allows airflow around the eggs. It's probably too late to do it this time if you have eggs that are pipped. It's something that you can try next time though!
Day 18... it is funny how it seems like it takes forever and then it is shocking when day 18 finally arrives! 1/9 looks like it might be a quitter... but it really looks like there are still veins and I swear I saw movement last night??? I'll have a look again before lockdown today. It doesn't smell so a few more day might not hurt... Excited to see what pops out of these eggies!
Here they are, in all their fluffy glory

Well I can say I'm done with my hatch! I ended up loosing 5 chicks...some looked malpositioned and none ever internal pipped
I guess I can't complain since I did get 3 pretty babies and the only viable egg out of the second group I got has hatched but I had to help it. Not sure if it will make it. Just doesn't seem normal but maybe just from the way its been laying which was all wrong. Very disappointed with the second group I got from ebay and will get the name and let you all know. This chick doesn't even have a rose comb but I'm just hoping it makes it. I'm going to say my problems were humidity. Temp was great the whole time. Also not really knowing what I was looking at while candeling. Although I had them set right and air sac just right, if the chick isn't positioned properly then I'm going to say there's a chance it won't make it. Maybe from being shipped eggs or them being tossed around from the first chick that hatched. I will say I think I will be leaving mine in egg carton to hatch next time!! lol Drove me crazy when the ones hatched started moving them.

Question on the chick I helped. Obviously once I started I shrink wrapped it and it was like glue. Can I wet the chick just to get the sticky stuff off of feathers or just leave it and it will do its thing. It looks pretty clean but I know from my hands its very sticky and wasn't sure if it will be able to fluff?

I will take some picks soon just was waiting to see if this last one makes it. The other 3 are doing great so far!!!

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