Australians - Where are you all????

Oh great! And yeh I have 6 in total.. 3 isa browns, 2 black australorps and 1 white leghorn :) I got them at 1 day old from a hatchery in Brisbane!
Hi animal Madd and Herka :welcome

welcome to the rat race ..... sorry the chicken race....

I'm from WA and have 10 light sussex (including 2 roosters), 8 australorps (a couple are crosses) and at the moment I also have 13 geees - hopefully will be 12 by the end of the day (my sister is picking up one of the goslings) and then back up to 15 by the end of the week if my last three eggs hatch.
Hello - I too spend hours looking through this site - at various threads etc. Sooo much good information to be had.

I live in Upwey which is classified 'rural', east of Melbourne. A few miles down the road, the suburban sprawl begins. I have 3 chickens - an Aussie Araucana ( Mindy ) ... a Rhode Island Red ( Molly ) and a Welsummer ( Mandy ). Mandy has been in a long moult through which she laid continually - winter and all, but is regrowing her feathers, so has quit laying at the moment. She needed the break
Get eggs from the other two almost every day. They are all wonderful fun.

Have a happy time here - and welcome.

Cheers .......... AB
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Hi all was just wondering about the breed araucanna and there temprement everone seems to have them and do they really lay green eggs thinking of getting sum
Hi, to all new posters and welcome.

I'm in north Brisbane. I have 2 each of Australorps and Barnevelders, 1 super chook of unknown variety, 1 Silkie and 1 Wheaten Maran. Then I have 9 chicks - 2 cuckoo and 2 splash Orpington, (1 of each colour is a roo), 3 Welsumers (1roo), 1 Auracauna (acts like a roo but I don't know enough of the breed to know) and one funny looking thing that came out of a naked neck egg but it's not naked. And I can't forget the cockatiel named Ink I saved from the crows and HRH Ruby the cat

And yes Auracaunas do lay blue or green eggs.

Cheers to all

Yes Araucana's lay blue eggs!!! Mine is gorgeous & I love her. Apparently if you get creative & cross them with a dark brown egg layer you can get Olive eggs. I can't find anyone is Australia who sells the Olive egg producing ones. My Araucana is actually crossed with a Plymouth Rock - this is one of her eggs
she's currently broody though & busy raising a day old lavender araucana for me (along with 2 other chicks) at the moment. She is such a sweet chook & an EXCELLENT mummy.
Yes Araucana's lay blue eggs!!! Mine is gorgeous & I love her. Apparently if you get creative & cross them with a dark brown egg layer you can get Olive eggs. I can't find anyone is Australia who sells the Olive egg producing ones. My Araucana is actually crossed with a Plymouth Rock - this is one of her eggs :D she's currently broody though & busy raising a day old lavender araucana for me (along with 2 other chicks) at the moment. She is such a sweet chook & an EXCELLENT mummy.
If you go over to the other Aussie thread, and give a shout out to TheChookPatch, she has olive eggers and is hatching more all the time. I started to until Mr Fox came night before last and took my Araucana broody and her 8 chicks, 3 of which were Ara/Marans cross, which will give you the olive egg if the progeny carry the blue egg gene which will be indicated by the pea comb.

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