Is Suzie Traumatised?


Premium Feather Member
May 14, 2023
Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Hi everyone, newbie here, at least when it comes to posting. I always land on this wonderful site when searching for answers to my chicken woes, which brings me to Suzie!

Suzie is a pure Pekin, hatched by Pekin Frizzle Black Betty a few yrs ago. Betty hatched only two of the 6 eggs that year. In March of this year Betty hatched two silkies, again from 6 eggs, one turning out to be a gorgeous rooster. Suzie was a very clucky and devoted aunty to the silkie chicks; feeding them and staying beside them etc throughout their growth.

Two months ago now, I rehomed the roo and his sister. The feral kids, set loose by their mother, chased the chickens all over my yard without warning! In the end I had to yell at these ppl to calm the eff down. Since that day Suzie has not shut up. At first I thought she was looking for / calling out to her beloved babies, but now she only sounds the alarm when I am outside. Today she is locked back in the coop as my neighbour works nights, so I'm trying to be conciderate. Whenever I take food out Suzie sounds the alarm and walks away. She has not laid a single egg since the other two left. From three chickens only Betty is laying :(

I talk to Suzie when I let her out each morning but after two-months ... I'm pulling my hair out. Any and tips greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)
Couple things to note. First, is Suzie's age. After 3 years of age, hens have passed their prime, and egg laying slows down. What are feral kids? Any stress can also make them stop laying for awhile. Another factor is a change in the pecking order and flock dynamics. That can also affect egg laying. She seems to be taking over for the cockerel that you rehomed, therefore the warning calls. Be patient. I don't know where you are located, this is also the time of the year when we have possible molting about to occur, as well as less daylight hours. Love her as you always have. She will be back to normal in awhile, just maybe less eggs.
Thank you for the reply. I had wondered if she was taking over from the rooster.

I'm In australia, so just entering the warmer months here. Not sure why my location isn't showing.

Feral kids: I live alone with 2 dogs, so when 2 children suddenly appeared and began chasing the chickens all over the place it didn't sit well with them, mostly Suzie. I've had a lot of yard works recently and the chickens have always been happy to watch the goings-on after the initial day, but being chased - they are not used to that as I don't chase them, never have.
A quick update on my drama with Suzie. After much observation and highly scientific experimentation ;) it is now very clear to me that Suzie is not traumatised at all. When the chicks were still around, Iwas treating them with soaked freeze-dried meal worms and this is what Sizie is bellowing for more of. I can't deal with her noise much longer, and her mother, Betty (avatar) is starting to chime in as well. Any ideas on how to resolve this? I've used a squirt bottle, which has no impact other than to stree them back to end of the yard, which is going to be fenced within the week now.

Another observation: when I let my dogs out to pee, Suzie will start bellowing, so I'm now letting the dogs out the front so she can't see them and demand to be let out ahead of the usual time .. around 7a.m. There is always grain left, they get access to heaps of greens that I grow, blueberries, corn on the cob, hemp and sunflower kernel seeds etc. These are fat Pekin hens who refuse to forage like they used to. All suggestions very welcome!

p.s. I bought a poorly horse at one time. After feeding him up in the stable and yard on a agistment property, I began leaving the gate ajar so he could get out after his meal, which he did just fine. One day the woman who lived on the property told me my horse stood at the gate all day waiting for me to return with his evening feed; he never went off with the other horses, nor did he graze at all. We exchanged numbers and I stayed away for several days, until he was happily munching with the herd. Do I have to leave my house to get my chickens back to normal? hahaha sigh

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