Australians - Where are you all????

Anyone breed mammoth/giant Muscovies ? I'm looking to buy a dozen fertile eggs and have them posted to Townsville, Qld. Any help appreciated thanks.
Another Aussie here in southern Sydney. Got my suburban chooks happening and so far it's working really well. Only issues are that I'm very new to chickens and there aren't many people I know who I can ask in relation to my babies.
My Araucana is causing most concern at the moment- if anyone has an Aussie Araucana I could do with some info regarding their laying (or lack thereof)
Another Aussie here in southern Sydney. Got my suburban chooks happening and so far it's working really well. Only issues are that I'm very new to chickens and there aren't many people I know who I can ask in relation to my babies.
My Araucana is causing most concern at the moment- if anyone has an Aussie Araucana I could do with some info regarding their laying (or lack thereof)

How old is she? This time of the year a lot of them go off laying (comes with the cold weather). They stop laying, may or may not moult, then start laying again as the days get longer again (after the 21st of June). Once they're past a certain age - usually between 2 and 3 - their laying can become more erratic too.
Another Aussie here in southern Sydney. Got my suburban chooks happening and so far it's working really well. Only issues are that I'm very new to chickens and there aren't many people I know who I can ask in relation to my babies.
My Araucana is causing most concern at the moment- if anyone has an Aussie Araucana I could do with some info regarding their laying (or lack thereof)

How old is your ara? Apparently as they take longer to mature they start laying a lot later too. I have my first two ara's and at about 24 weeks old, I'm still waiting... Also,
How old is your ara? Apparently as they take longer to mature they start laying a lot later too. I have my first two ara's and at about 24 weeks old, I'm still waiting... Also,

Welcome to Mahaliamcg

Araucanas are hardy little souls. My Mindy ( only have one Ara ) .... was also a late layer, but boy when she got started - she layed and layed. Then stopped. In her 1st year, and I found 1 then 3 then many white feathers - she was in a moult. And it was a heavy moult too.

Autumn is the time ( usually ) that chickens moult and when they do they generally stop laying. If your girl is young, and is in fact moulting - she won't lay until a couple of weeks+ after she has grown all her feathers back. That could be June, July, whenever ( or even earlier if it is a heavy and quick moult ). From memory, Mindy was about 27 weeks old when she laid her first ( very small ) egg. Now she lays them ( when laying ) as large as my two big normal sized girls do.

However, she stopped laying about 2 weeks back - I was a bit worried at first - she seemed to be going broody, but that passed quickly. Now she is in full moult mode, so out comes the protein for her --- moulting takes a lot of energy out of them. ( which is why I think they can't moult and lay at the same time - altho my Rhode Island Red, seems to be a bit of an exception - she is only moulting very slightly though and still laying about 5 eggs a week ).

I really would not be worried at this stage. If she is eating, drinking her water, roosting or sleeping well at night ( locked up ) .... and wandering around scratching at things during the day, having dust and sun baths - she's probably quite ok ... just watch for a feather, or feathers. Then you'll know.

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