Baby chick can't hold neck up or himself. Weird liquid came out and his mom pulled it.


Aug 26, 2020
Hi! This little guy hatched from under its mother one hour earlier. It seemed that the hen was pecking the egg to help it come out and we were watching as it came out. However, when it did, it had a little yellow sack attached which the hen started devouring it, and it seemed that it kinda pulled something from it, with some blood.. After that, we took it inside, and put him under a IR light and it dried up, opened his eyes, but he seems sleepy and he doesn't stand or keep his neck up, at all. He seems like he tries but he can't.. Does the chick have any chance of survival? What can I do to help him? 😞 I'm really beating myself up that I did not react 5 seconds sooner, but I'm no expert... Thank you for your help! #bantamchicken


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From what you described, it sounds like the chick's been deprived of critical nutrition from the yolk that would gave sustained it for a couple of days...poor guy/gal. 😟

While I haven't dealt with this specific scenario, myself, I'd try to get it to drink a supplement like Nutri-Drench. You may have to dropper feed it, carefully - this thread may be useful. Also, I'd put some triple antibiotic cream (no pain reliever) on the navel area to ward off infection and facilitate healing.

After losing its yolk sac like that, the chick may simply be weak from the trauma, blood loss, and the arduous task of hatching. Hopefully, time and TLC will help it recover. Rooting for your little one!

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