Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Some of my 27 chicks
Your others will have just started growing a 'beard'. Is she? If not, she might not be ameraucana. Hope this helps!
I take it then that Marans don't have beards? A few of my chicks already had beards the very day I picked them up (barely three hours after delivery). I will look more closely at the black one to see if she has one or not tomorrow.
Thanks for the tip!
OK, here are mine, the are supposed to be all Americanas ("EEs")... However I was wondering about the black one. Whenever I see a post containing a Marans chick it looks alot like her. She was in with the rest of the Americanas, but they also had some Marans that had sold out before I got there. Now my pipe is probably just dreaming, but maybe, just perhaps someone might have been looking at a Marans, put her back into the wrong corral and I got reeeaaal lucky? Or is she just a black Americana?
here's a black Ameraucana for comparison. Mine had obvious puffy cheeks and beard from day 1

My black Ameraucana is on the right (top) and in the middle (bottom). She does have cheek fluff and is very sweet. She could probably be flying out of our brooder by now, but she doesn't try.

I also looked up some pictures online. Some of them did look quite like your black chick, only younger. You could probably search Marans on BYC and find something that will help. Best of luck!
I take it then that Marans don't have beards? A few of my chicks already had beards the very day I picked them up (barely three hours after delivery). I will look more closely at the black one to see if she has one or not tomorrow.
Thanks for the tip!
Welcome to the yard! Happy Saturday to those of you at it already this morning. Enjoy the day!

I went to bed at 7 pm last night because of an awful migraine. I woke up at 7:30 and all excited the migraine is gone, and I am about to head out and start taking care of all of the animals.
Brand new rocks we got yesterday. Our very first chicks. I little nervous indeed.

Cute! We have 3. You might want to take them off the newspaper, if that is where they are permanently living, especially if they are under a week old. It is slippery and can give them splayed leg. Paper towels are a good replacement for newspaper.
Cute chicks though!

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