Baby Crow!???!??? Please Help!


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Proudly Born in the USA
So, I know that some of you people will probably say "HEY! YOU POSTED THIS IN THE WRONG SECTION!" But this IS an emergency, and I don't think that I will get as many answers if I post it somewhere else.
ALSO- please don't judge me. I have encountered a lot of this on here, and after today, I might break down if someone decides to hate me.

A friend of ours dropped off a baby crow that she found on the ground(I know, I know...), knowing that I had (some) poultry supplies and knowledge, and I love baby things (of course).

S/he is a bit bigger than the size of my fist, (I have not even touched it yet), and just in a little shoe box.

How should I care for it? Please help!

Ok, I have fed her 2 egg yolks mixed with a bit of Coca-Cola (don't ask- saw it on Yahoo! LOL.), and some Duramycin.

She did not accept it readily, so I had to gently pry open her beak. I think I got a little more than half a teaspoon in her. She's still poopin, so I assume she has more in her stomach. I think i'll leave her be until morning. :)

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